Organization of space

How to prepare your anteroom for the guests' meeting on holidays: 8 priceless tips -


Winter Holidays are a time of unrestrainedFun, endless guests and dishes for every taste. In order to meet with friends, relatives and neighbors with minimal stress, we prepared a list of necessary preparatory measures for the hallway

New Year is on the doorstep, which means a string of guestsshould be expected next weekend. You will probably cope with the purchase of a Christmas tree and treats yourself, but with the organization of the hallway and preparing it for the guest stream, we are ready to help you right now. 1. Wardrobe

In the courtyard winter, which means many ladies, despiteWeather, decide to flaunt in the furs. Just so a fur coat - and even a coat - you can not hang on the hook. Therefore, in addition to a few free hangers, you should take care of the presence of hangers in the hall beforehand. 2. Shoes

Having decided, the guest should quickly and without your help find an empty seat on the shelf for shoes. 3. Means of care

Wet wipes, creams and shoe brushes, water-repellent impregnations, adhesive rollers for clothes - all this should be at hand and have the most new look. Related articles 4. Bench

Even if you are a complete family without the squats during the process of "dipping" in shoes, your guests may have rheumatism, sciatica and osteochondrosis. 5. Mirror

Strangely enough, not everyone has nowMirror in the hallway. Many have time to put themselves in order in the bathroom, someone has enough mirrors in the bedroom. To drive guests to the bedroom, in order to fix make-up or beautifully tie a scarf, the procedure is strange, if not indecent. Therefore, find a place, at least for a temporary mirror. 6. Shelf for bags

Very important thing and also infrequentlyOccurring in the hallways. Carrying bags with you or hiding them from curious pets is not the most pleasant experience at home, so take care of a convenient and inaccessible place for a dirty cat-visitor's guest. 7. Operational cleaning

With our winters, you never know what a visitor will bring with him - a mountain of dirty snow or a puddle of mud. Be ready in time and imperceptibly to wipe behind the long-awaited guest footprints. 8. Slippers

Here are the key moments. First, ideally slippers should be new. Secondly, for ladies it is necessary to choose a more elegant option, rather than white, bath, dimensionless something. And thirdly, slippers should wait for guests in the hallway, not in the pantry / on the balcony / on the top shelf of the mezzanine. Does your hallway still lack a couple of details? We are here to help you! Take your pick! Related Articles

