Everyone loves water treatments, especially if theyassociated with the pool. But sometimes you want much more: for example, to arrange a whole spa resort with hydromassage and light music in your country house. How to do this, and will be discussed further Any pool is a place where the soul rests and the body is hardened. How nice it is to dive into the water after a hard day at work or after two hours of active training, turn on the hydromassage mode and relax as much as possible. This is an ideal means of relieving stress, when each of the millions of tiny foaming bubbles is just trying to bring its share of pleasure. What kind of device can give such an indescribable range of emotions?SPA pool (Villeroy & Boch) Now everythingMore often, people opt for mini-pools, which exclude the option of long-distance swimming. The emphasis in such small baths is on wellness and spa treatments, hydromassage and just good rest. The size of the pool allows you to place it not only in the country, on the veranda, on the street, but also in the apartment. The main rule for installation is that the surface is as flat as possible, with access to all units. Olga Smorodinova, Hogarth: - As a rule, spa pools are intended for the street, so they are as autonomous as possible. But they can also be equipped in an apartment, you just need to provide access to the units and, accordingly, take into account the load on the floors. All the information is specified in detail in the technical specifications immediately after placing the order.
What is the advantage of a spa pool?Let's look at the example of mini-pools from the brand, which stand out with their unique patented system of removable nozzles. The design includes durable plastic together with a protective casing and foam materials, cleaning issues are solved by a filter system, and with the help of these nozzles, water can flow inside with different strength, temperature or flow rate. And they can be changed even during use. While inside such a pool, you can simply bask in the water, but you will certainly give preference to the massage functions. You can choose a relaxing or toning mode, and also set the required massage area - lumbar, occipital or all at once. Daria Kamaeva, physiotherapist: - 15 minutes in the evening after a hard day at work in a pool with hydromassage will help reduce the risk of hypertension, stomach ulcers, improve sleep and get rid of stress. What exactly you massage yourself with depends only on your preferences, but a massage of the feet (and legs up to the knees), hands (and forearms), and head has a particularly relaxing effect. The main thing is not to fall asleep in such a wonderful place! facebook.com/moscowrunmassage/
Pleasure can be shared with family andfriends. Many models of mini-pools are designed for several people to stay in them at once. At the same time, everyone will receive their portion of hydromassage, lying completely in the water. Judging by the number of comfortable headrests, even a small-looking pool can accommodate up to six people. And the ability to remotely control via a smartphone app will allow people just leaving work to set all the necessary parameters so that upon arrival home they can immediately immerse themselves in an atmosphere of relaxation and comfort.
To install such a pool it is enoughthink about the supply of electricity and water. The voltage should be in the range of 220-240 volts. It is recommended to install according to the instructions attached to the product, or with the help of specially trained people who will provide a guarantee for assembly, connection and maintenance. And the drainage system can be connected to the sewer. Olga Smorodinova, Hogarth: - Also, when placing outdoors, it should be taken into account that the spa pool must be installed at the required minimum distance vertically and horizontally from all overhead power lines.
You can fill the pool using eitherbuilt-in water treatment system, and using a regular garden hose. The difference in pressure will only increase or decrease the filling time. If used rarely, water can remain in the pool for up to several months - it is purified by specially installed filters. But since the pool will be in sleep mode in this case, it still needs to be turned on so that the water does not stagnate and the equipment lasts a long time. Besides, it's so nice!
SPA pool (Villeroy & Boch)
How to choose the right pool