Have you already thought about the fundamental differences?paint from wallpaper? What to cover the walls with so that they are pleasing to the eye and practical? We found out expert opinions that will help you understand this issue When it comes to decorating the walls during a renovation, the question arises: “what to use - paint or wallpaper?” The decision will depend on many factors, and there are nuances that must be taken into account when choosing a material. Paint Choosing paint is not an easy task. It is very easy to get lost in the variety of colors, characteristics and manufacturers that the market offers. Only one can baffle you. When choosing paint, you should not forget about a fundamentally important parameter - environmental friendliness, because your health and comfort depend on this factor. Wall covering plays an important role in the climate of the room, so when covering them with paint or gluing wallpaper, it is important to remember that the materials must be “breathable” and not interfere with the natural regulation of humidity in the room, for example, in the summer, when excess moisture is absorbed by the walls, or during the “dry” winter heating period, when it evaporates. Anton Elistratov, Manders If you choose paint, remember that the walls must be perfectly smooth, otherwise all the irregularities, cracks, dimples and wrinkles will definitely show through. Most buildings cannot boast of flawless walls and ideal geometry, the leveling process will take a lot of time and require additional costs.
Wallpaper Paper, non-woven, vinyl,non-woven on a vinyl base, fiberglass, as well as washable, with or without a pattern, colored, plain, with an ornament and flowers — . If we talk about wallpaper in general, the best ones are paper with an acrylic coating, which protects the surface. Non-woven is a denser material, but less environmentally friendly. It is advisable, of course, to properly prepare the walls before gluing the wallpaper, but if you still decide to hide small flaws, then vinyl on a non-woven base is the ideal solution. Ekaterina Kadenskaya, "OboiNaDom" Wallpaper can also serve as a decorative element in the interior. Lincrusta products are a striking example of high fashion in space decoration. Lincrusta Lincrusta wallpaper is made in restrained colors, with exquisite and intricate patterns, which makes them a real work of art. By enclosing a rectangle of this wallpaper in a frame, you can create an interior element that will add an elegant accent to the entire room, and a small pasted section of the wall can advantageously emphasize any area.
Wallpaper for painting For those who still have notdecided, there is a great option - paintable wallpaper. They will hide the unevenness, and if you get tired of the chosen color, you can easily apply another, and you can do this up to five or six times. All the stains will easily come off if you rub them with a damp cloth, without harming the paint and wallpaper.
In my opinion, there is no obvious choice, but it is necessaryproceed from practicality. It is better to paint the walls in the kitchen, and use wallpaper in the bedroom, which will add coziness to the interior. Also, by combining paint and wallpaper in one room, you can wisely zone the space. Anton Elistratov, Manders
Paint or Wallpaper: How to Make the Right Choice – etk-fashion.com