Painting the ceiling with your own hands can be of high qualitychange your interior, as well as develop new creative abilities without extra effort. Decorating a room in this way will be interesting, and the result will always be original. To avoid unnecessary difficulties when performing this task, it is necessary to follow a special technology developed for painting the ceiling, which consists of three stages - preparation, application of a dotted image and its final coating.Drawings on the ceiling look very beautiful in any room and can perfectly complement its interior.
Tools, as well as the required materials
To do the painting yourself, you will need the following materials:Even a non-professional can paint using a stencil.
- bucket;
- water;
- metal, different in size spatulas;
- brush (with soft pile);
- brush on an elongated handle;
- level (a tool for calculating the flatness of the horizontal);
- sandpaper (preferably fine-grained);
- putty (starting and necessarily finishing);
- acrylic primer.
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Preparatory stage
First of all, prepare the ceiling for the primaryapplying the image. This stage must be performed efficiently and responsibly, since it will determine the type of completed work and the difficulties at subsequent stages. To do this, use a large spatula to remove all the plaster from the ceiling. After that, wet a long-handled brush in a bucket of water and rinse it. Apply a deep penetration primer to the cleaned surface with a roller or fluffy brush and let it dry. The drying time is indicated in the instructions or on the packaging. When the ceiling is completely dry, check with a level how even it is. If you find any irregularities that have a difference of more than 1.5 cm, they need to be leveled with plaster. To do this, take the finished mixture with a small spatula, spread it over a large spatula and apply it to the surface at an angle. If there are small irregularities, they can be corrected with a base (starting) putty. After drying, the ceiling needs to be sanded with sandpaper. After all these steps have been completed and the surface has completely dried, you can proceed to applying the finishing putty, which is applied in a layer of no more than 2 mm. Thanks to it, the ceiling will become perfectly smooth and ready for painting. The next step after the finishing putty is to apply an acrylic primer. After it dries, you can begin applying the image. Return to the table of contents</a>
Where can I get a design sketch?
For ceilings you can use acrylic paints,which are used for painting glass and ceramics. Painting the ceiling with your own hands may seem like a difficult task. After all, you need to have a special artistic talent for this. However, this is not entirely true. To do the painting, you need to have a full-color sketch of what you are going to transfer to the ceiling. This is the only way you can imagine what the result will be. You can come up with a sketch yourself or look for its plot in modern design magazines. The theme of the drawing should correspond to the purpose of the room. Do not choose aggressive paintings for the bedroom, and gloomy ones - for the nursery. The selected image should reveal the functionality of the room in which it will be present. Thus, calm tones will help you relax in the bedroom, and bright ones - develop creativity and accompany games in the nursery. A formal drawing applied to the ceiling or wall in the living room will give it a special atmosphere. You can easily use a three-dimensional drawing that goes up, which will significantly increase your space. If, having chosen the right drawing, you find that its scale does not suit you, this will not be a problem. It can be easily resized by simply transferring it to paper and dividing it into equal-sized squares. For convenience, you can also number them. Then take the paper of the required size (from which you will transfer the image) and apply a grid with numbers to it. After that, you can transfer an element of the final drawing to each square. When the design of the sketch is complete, you can proceed directly to painting.
A palette is used to mix paints. For the next step, prepare the following materials and necessary tools:
- water tank;
- palette;
- sponge;
- brushes made of natural bristles;
- stairs;
- pencil;
- acrylic paints.
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The order and technology of drawing works implementation
Place the ladder on a level surface andMake sure that it does not wobble. This will help you avoid the appearance of blurred lines in the drawing. For this purpose, you can easily use a ladder with a platform, with which you can work lying down. Now you need to transfer the image to the ceiling. This can be done in two ways. If you made a life-size sketch, then shade it with a soft pencil and attach this side to the ceiling. Then press its lines with the same pencil or pen. With a reduced copy of the image, you need to use a slide projector and outline the contours with a pencil. After all the lines of the drawing have been transferred, you can start coloring. Start with the background and larger elements. Mix paints in a palette until you get the desired shade and carefully apply them to the surface. You can remove excess lines with a damp sponge. After coloring the large elements, move on to decorating smaller ones until the entire drawing is ready. Acrylic paint is rightfully considered moisture-resistant and promises to last for many years. But despite this, it is best to cover the finished drawing with a protective layer. This will help it retain its original appearance, color, and strength even better. Acrylic varnish, which is applied as a protective layer, makes the image even brighter and clearer. It should be applied only after the acrylic paint has completely dried (after 24 hours). For an even coating of varnish, you can use either a sprayer or a soft brush. After applying, polish it with a dry brush. Since paints can absorb dust and unpleasant odors during the first period after application, you should prevent smoke and excess dust from getting on the drawing. If you follow these rules, you will be able to admire your creation for a long time. Having done everything according to the above tips and recommendations, you will be able to enjoy the final result of your work. And the ceiling painted by yourself will become an object of your pride and admiring glances of your guests.