Painting walls with your own hands - the processquite complex and labor-intensive, but it does not require special skills and the use of special tools. The labor intensity lies in the fact that even a small room has a fairly large area of walls and surfaces to be painted, when carrying out such work you need to be careful, especially if it is multi-colored or decorative painting.For high-quality painting of walls, it is necessary to apply at least two layers of paint. includes the following stages:
- preparation of tools and substances (rollers, primers, putties, paints);
- preparation of surfaces (priming, puttying, leveling);
- coloring.
Tools and Paint Selection
List of tools and compositions:Rollers for painting walls.
Water-based compositions do not have toxic properties.substances and odor. They are environmentally friendly and fireproof, they do not contain solvents. The thicker (within reasonable limits) the mixture, the better - it will not flow onto the floor. For painting walls with your own hands, this is the kind of paint that is chosen, it is able to breathe, safe, and can be easily washed off with water. There are with latex, silicone, acrylic components. The latter is the most durable, easy to wash, does not wear off, does not fade. Latex gives the surface a thin protective film, has the same properties as the previous one. Acrylic-latex is used for such rooms as toilets, bathrooms, kitchens. Silicone - for very humid rooms.Types of paint for walls.A very unusual and interesting technology for painting walls with decorative compositions. They can be with textured components or with a homogeneous viscous acrylic texture. With their help, almost any surface is imitated, for example, stone. Using them is no more difficult than using conventional compositions. They can be used even on surfaces with flaws and unevenness. There is a separate type - textured paint. Coarse-grained, fine-grained, it has the same advantages as described above. They open up limitless possibilities and technologies for design, experimenting with color, and doing your own painting. Return to contents</a>
Surface preparation
This stage includes:
- cleaning;
- first coat first time;
- plaster-leveling;
- a second primer;
- putty;
- a third primer;
- grinding.
Scheme for calculating the required amount of paintfor painting walls. Some steps can be skipped, sometimes cleaning, priming, puttying and sanding are enough. Such work always begins with surface preparation. Dust and debris are removed, old coating, paint, wallpaper, etc. are scraped off. There are special liquids for removing wallpaper. If the old coating has become so ingrained that it cannot be scraped off, an alkyd primer diluted with white spirit by a third is used. An inspection is made for cracks and potholes. They are widened, sealed with a solution and treated with a primer. Fungus and greasy stains are treated with an acidic composition or alkali. Old cracks should first be widened by removing the material that is being chipped, and then primed and puttyed. There is a special acrylic primer for rusty stains, a regular one will not do the job, the stains will show through the paint. Putty is applied directly to such a primer. Old lime is removed, it is washed off with water in several stages. After cleaning the walls and leveling them, a primer is applied. It penetrates the material and strengthens it, some compositions have a bactericidal and antifungal effect. The wall can be primed 2 or 3 times for greater effect. The first is applied after cleaning, the second - after leveling plaster, the third - after sanding the putty before painting. It reveals some defects, scratches, etc. They can be removed and then a control painting is performed. A little color is added, as close as possible to the original color, the composition should be as less saturated as possible. After such painting, all remaining defects will become visible, they are removed and putty. The surface is leveled with plaster and plasterboard.
Wall painting scheme.There is a special beacon plaster. It can be gypsum or cement. The first is for rooms with normal humidity, it lays down better in a thick layer, dries quickly, does not crack. Cement - for rooms with high humidity, for example, bathrooms. If there is a regular homemade plaster with a cement-sand composition, then puttying and painting can be done only after a month, since it shrinks when drying, the paint will crack. They stopped using them for painting, since more advanced compositions have appeared. But cracks can still appear, this will be eliminated by a reinforced web mesh, putty and paint are applied on top of it (although it may not be used). After this, the walls are cleaned again, primed and painting begins. Return to the table of contents</a>
Scheme of artistic painting of a wall.Calculating the amount of paint is very simple: multiply the height of the plane by the width, you will get the result in square meters, then carefully study the can or instructions attached to the composition, it indicates the amount per 1 sq.m. Keep in mind that painting occurs at least in two layers, also add 20% just in case. It is necessary to make sure that the surface is well dried before painting. The paint is diluted, if necessary, following the instructions, and a certain amount is poured into a paint container or a roller tray. It is rolled out and painting begins. The technology is simple: paint is applied from top to bottom in even layers. Gaps of about 10 cm are left in front of the ceiling and floor. They are then painted over with brushes. The next strip should overlap the previous one by no more than 10 cm, the less, the better. Before applying the next layer, you must wait until the previous one is completely and well dry. The recommended temperature is no higher than 20 and no lower than 5°C, the humidity in the room should be about 80%. If the temperature is high, the paint will dry quickly, which will make it impossible to apply it evenly. An effect called rolling may occur, when the next layer is applied to the dried one, this will become noticeable when they are completely dry. At low humidity, the paint will also dry quickly, which is undesirable. You can increase the humidity by placing a bucket of water in a room where there should be no dust or drafts. Technologies for decorative compositions may differ. Return to contents</a>
Recommendations for painting the walls with your own hands
Striped wall painting scheme.
Make the required amount of color at once,When drying, water-based paints change their color, only a computer can select an identical one. Finally, it is necessary to note some universal properties of painting, with the help of which it is possible to make all sorts of surfaces: diamond-shaped, relief, with patterns. To do this, the first layer is made smooth, let it dry. Then the composition is applied with special rollers. There are many different types of rollers for this: with a deep relief surface, those that apply patterns, stencil.</ ul>