Paintings have become an integral part of the interiorin almost every home. They decorate bedrooms, living rooms and even bathrooms. Modular paintings that go beyond the traditional perception of art in design are very popular now.Figure 1. For a discreet interior, paintings that consist of 2-3 parts of the same size with images of animals are suitable.
Variety of forms and themes
Modular picture - this is an image,divided into several parts. Therefore, the canvas is not integral, but divided into fragments. All segments are slightly distant from each other, but this does not violate the composition. There is no frame, which contradicts the classics, the canvas is stretched on a wooden stretcher. Basically, modular paintings are suitable for an apartment made in a modern style.Figure 2.For modern interior styles, it is permissible to use asymmetric modules, which can depict a city panorama. Modular paintings are distinguished by their architectural nature and diversity. They can be of the same size or different, located vertically, horizontally or arbitrarily, etc. Depending on the segments, the following paintings are distinguished:
- diptych - is a composition that consists of 2 parts;
- triptych — the picture is divided into 3 parts;
- pentaptych - 5 parts;
- polyptych - more than 5 parts.
Modular paintings in the interior create an illusiondynamics. Despite the fact that the composition is fragmented, it visually merges into one whole and looks quite voluminous. A person gets the impression that he is involved in what is happening in the picture, regardless of its size. By the way, the sizes vary from 0.5 m to 1.2 m in height and from 1 m to 1.7 m in width. Modular canvases of any theme are used in the interior. Basically, these are:Figure 3. For the kitsch style, a combination of colors and images in retro style is suitable.
- unusual abstractions;
- objects, still lifes;
- the image of people, animals;
- architectural reminders;
- nature (flowers, plants), landscapes;
- reproductions of paintings by famous artists.
When using modular art pieces for your interior, pay attention to the following points:
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Welcome to the living room!
Figure 4.For a classic style, images of flowers in darker shades are appropriate. Bright and unusual modular paintings are used in the living room interior. There are no special rules regarding shape, geometric correctness, or size. The main thing is that some color elements of the canvas match the overall design of the room. So, for a discreet interior, paintings that consist of 2-3 parts of the same size are suitable. They are placed horizontally or vertically at the same level. Most often, such images as a city panorama, animals (Fig. 1), landscape are appropriate. For modern interior styles (high-tech, fusion, and others), it is permissible to use asymmetric modules, which can depict abstraction, city panoramas, or a night metropolis. An interesting option is where symmetrical patterns are repeated in a stylized design. In this case, the elements are placed as you like: linearly, zigzag, ascending, like a puzzle. The form of the composition itself is also different - traditional or "torn", that is, with unequal differences between the modules (Fig. 2). Country style in the interior welcomes simplicity and comfort, so modular canvases with painted flowers and plants are appropriate here. Exotic notes and nostalgia for retro give rise to interesting combinations of colors and images (Fig. 3). Such paintings in the interior are typical of the kitsch style. For the interior of a living room in the French or Italian style, paintings with imitation frescoes and paintings are suitable. They will give the room an aristocratic and noble look. Even for such light and airy classicism, you can choose the appropriate modular works of art. The main thing is that they emphasize the sophistication of the interior. A reproduction of a painting by a famous artist, made in the form of a diptych or triptych, will look good. Images of flowers and bouquets are appropriate (Fig. 4). They must be in darker shades, since the entire classical style simply adores light colors - white, blue, beige, light gray, etc. Modular paintings are attractive because they change the perception of the image, since it is divided into fragments. Any plot - from the most complex to the simplest - looks unique and unpredictable in such a design.