Gypsum plaster has a wide range of applicationsuse, it is used in finishing various surfaces for all purposes. Experts often advise replacing cement-lime compositions with it. Leveling with this mixture has many advantages. This is due not only to the quality of the work, but also to the insignificant consumption of material, because the basis of the plaster composition is gypsum with light fillers, which allow for savings.Wall plastering scheme. After application, the mixture dries quickly, there is no need to perform additional leveling of the base.
A feature of using gypsum plaster
Leveling walls with gypsum compositionis carried out in the interior space of premises, the conditions of which are not characterized by a high level of humidity, these can be residential and commercial buildings. After applying gypsum plaster, you can proceed to decorative finishing. Alignment of walls using the described composition can be carried out if there is a need to correct significant irregularities, since application is allowed to be done in a massive layer. The use of the composition allows you to mask significant defects, such as holes.Table of deviations in plaster quality.The mixture can be used to correct the level of the base, paying attention to areas where the wall is falling back. Even a child's room can be leveled with a gypsum-based composition, because the mixture is completely environmentally friendly and does not emit harmful substances during application and use. If there is a need to insulate the room, then it is worth using gypsum plaster, as it allows you to arrange a high-quality heat-insulating layer that performs the function of sound insulation and fire protection. Due to the fact that after application to the walls, the mixture forms a porous layer, in the interior of a heated and sealed room, where air circulation is impaired and the temperature is increased, the composition absorbs excess moisture, while elevated temperatures can be quickly leveled, and the climate improved. Often, some owners face such a problem as constant floods from neighbors above, stains sometimes reach the walls. In this case, it is recommended to level the walls with a gypsum mixture, which helps to eliminate stains. If the plaster is to be applied to a concrete surface, it must be used in tandem with a primer. This eliminates the need for a reinforcing layer. The gypsum plaster dries completely 5 days after the completion of the work. Subsequently, it can be used as a base for gluing wallpaper, since additional alignment will not be necessary. Return to the table of contents</a>
Application technology
Scheme of preparing a wall for plastering.The volume of gypsum composition will be much less, if compared with the cement mixture. And if the wall has a large difference in levels from the top and bottom, the composition can be applied in one layer, the thickness of which can reach 60 mm. The master can not be afraid that the composition will peel off, become covered with cracks or acquire a shell effect. Return to the table of contents</a>Preparatory work The plaster mustapplied under certain temperature conditions, the permissible mark varies within 5-30 ° C. In advance, the base must be cleaned of dust, get rid of layers, old finish. Steel hooks and other elements should be removed. If any components remain on the wall surface that cannot be removed, they must be treated with an anti-corrosion compound. The plaster will lay better if the surface is primed beforehand. Bases that can excessively absorb moisture must be covered with a primer. Such surfaces include: foam and aerated concrete, brickwork, as well as cement and lime based plaster. Return to contents</a>Mixing the solution
Proportions of plastering solutions.If you decide to level the walls with plaster, then to prepare the mixture, pour the composition into a container containing clean water. When mixing, take into account the proportion: 0.7 l per 1 kg of dry mixture. If you purchased a 30 kg bag, then it will require 21 l of water. Mix the mixture well. Leave the solution for 3-5 minutes, then mix it again. Plastering the walls with the prepared portion must be completed within 30 minutes. Do not add any foreign components to the composition. Return to contents</a>Applying plaster You need to apply plastertreat the wall, applying to the base in one layer, providing a thickness of 50 mm, if you work locally, then the layer thickness can be increased to 80 mm. Level the surface, working with the tool from the bottom up. The final alignment of the walls or partitions should be done by making zigzag movements, using an H-shaped rule. An hour after application and the beginning of the setting, the excess amount of the mixture must be removed, for this you should use a trapezoidal rule, while the resulting irregularities must be filled. After using the trapezoidal rule, traces will remain, which can be removed by smoothing with a wide spatula. After the described leveling process, you need to wait about 20 minutes, and then check whether the plaster is pressed through when pressed with a finger. If this effect is absent, then the surface of the walls should be abundantly moistened, pause until the surface becomes matte and rub with a sponge float, making circular movements.
Tools for applying plaster.Walls prepared in this way should be smoothed with a wide spatula. In order to obtain a perfectly smooth base, after about 24 hours it is necessary to smooth the surface again with a spatula, but first, the wall should again be abundantly moistened with water. The treatment carried out in this way does not involve subsequent puttying. After the walls have been leveled during the first 24 hours, it is necessary to provide the most suitable conditions for normal hydration and high-quality setting of the mixture, a suitable microclimate will guarantee stable adhesion of the composition to the surface. During this period, drafts should not be created in the room, the coating should not be subjected to intensive drying and exposure to the sun. After this period, it is necessary to ventilate the room, which will allow the excess moisture to be driven out of the plaster. During drying, it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the room within + 5 - + 25 ° C. Many craftsmen ask themselves the question after the walls have been leveled, how long does it take for the plaster to dry. If the room has good ventilation, and the Teplon mixture was used during the work, it will dry in a period limited to 7-14 days. The damp and dark surface will eventually lighten and dry. If you plan to paint the base afterwards, the moisture level of the mixture should not be higher than 1%. It is permissible to use emulsion, adhesive and other types of paints for painting on such a surface, however, there is one exception - lime compounds. For work on applying gypsum plaster, the following materials and tools should be used:
- putty knife;
- rule;
- mixture;
- mixer;
- capacity.
Despite the fact that the described works were carried outis considered a fairly simple task, the master will need special knowledge and skills, the work will not be done correctly if the specialist does not pay special attention to some stages. You can check whether the work has been done correctly by analyzing the surface of the mixture. It should have a smooth, uniform, but not devoid of minor pores surface, there should be no all sorts of smudges, scratches and bubbles. It is unacceptable to evaluate the quality of the applied mixture in poor lighting conditions. If you still have not chosen a method for leveling the walls, then it can be noted that modern professional companies are leaning their choice towards gypsum material for interior work.