When working with walls, everyone knows that beforebefore proceeding to the final design, they should be prepared. To do this, they need to be plastered. But before you putty the wall with your own hands, you need to decide what you plan to do with it in the future: will it be painted or will wallpaper be pasted on it.It is possible to putty walls on your own, ifcompliance with certain rules. The process of wall puttying can be done independently, without involving specialists. The putty can be prepared or a dry mixture. Regardless of the type of material selected, drying oil always remains the basis for its preparation.
Scheme for preparing putty.With the help of putty, it is possible to level a wall or other surface covered with enamel or oil paint. This material implies thin application, unlike other dry mixtures, which are applied at least 1 mm thick. After the surface dries, it becomes even and smooth. The choice of putty type should be based on the characteristics of the work room. Brand KR is a regular putty, which is used to work in rooms with moderate humidity. Brand VH is intended for those rooms where the humidity level is high. Recently, the demand for such putty as VETONIT has increased. This is due to a number of reasons:
VETONIT putty is of high quality.
Treatment of the wall for wallpaper
The walls are treated with putty so that after wallpapering, they do not come off the surface, but remain securely in place.Wall puttying scheme.The wall plane is also prepared for puttying. To do this, it is first plastered and then primed. Only after this is the putty solution applied in a 2 mm thick layer. All actions are as follows:
Experts note that the processing processthe wall should start from the left edge. Each subsequent layer is applied with an overlap. It is worth noting right away: in order to perfectly level the wall with your own hands, one time will not be enough. This happens because in the process of applying the mixture with a spatula, the tool leaves stripes.Scheme of correct surface puttying.For work with internal and external corners, use a corner spatula. During this process, the solution is applied to the edge of the wall, after which it is "stretched" over the entire surface. To avoid cracking of the coating, the layer of putty applied should not be more than 0.5 cm. Otherwise, it may not even have time to dry completely. In order for everything to dry thoroughly, the wall is not touched for 12 hours. After the surface has dried, it should be leveled. For this, you will need sandpaper. It is extremely inconvenient to hold such material with your hands, besides, manual processing threatens the appearance of holes or dents on the surface. Therefore, a special holder is used for this procedure. Then the wall is primed with your own hands and the next layer of putty is applied. But here the layer should be very thin, since it is intended to correct the underlying one. After the second layer has dried, you can finally prime the wall. And as soon as the treated surface dries, they begin working with the wallpaper. Return to Contents</a>
How to plaster walls for painting
In this case, you should immediately stock up on patience,since the puttying should be done more carefully and accurately. Paint will not be able to hide the defects of the wall surface, like wallpaper, on the contrary, it will emphasize them. If a beginner takes on the matter, then it is better to use water-based paint for painting the walls, rather than enamel, since it will still be able to hide minimal errors. The more layers there are, the smoother the wall will be. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. The method of processing the wall in this case is similar to the previous method, which is intended for wallpaper. Only in this case, the spatula is taken no more than 60 cm. There is a little secret from experts: to achieve a perfectly smooth surface, when processing the seams from the spatula, an ordinary lamp is used. That is, the device is brought to the surface and, seeing all the defects, the walls are leveled. If it is necessary to carry out work only with a certain section of the wall, the rest of the surface should not be touched. If there is an old coating (the same paint), it should be removed with a spatula. Then the place is carefully primed and putty. It is very important to know that if there are cracks, they are first sanded and then glued with serpyanka. This procedure ensures that the crack is "contained". Of course, this method will not help forever, but it will last for some time, especially if the wall is not subjected to serious mechanical loads, for example, if shelves, cornices or paintings are hung. Return to contents</a>
Wall Corner Treatment: Recommendations
As noted above, angles can bework with an angle spatula. But if it is not possible to purchase such a tool, then you can use an alternative method. For this purpose, you will need a plaster or paint profile. Before starting to level, it is glued to the corner. But here it is immediately worth mentioning that if you plan to paint the walls, then this option is not the best. Therefore, you can use another method. When applying the putty, a little more of the mixture is applied to the corners, and after it dries well, leveling is carried out with sandpaper. Regardless of the type of base surface, it is better not to neglect the putty. Also, the more irregularities or gaps on the wall (for example, as when finishing walls with plasterboard), the more carefully they should be processed. During the operation of the wall, such problem areas can crack, and it is okay if there is thick wallpaper on top that can hide it. But what can we say about paint, on which all this will clearly show through. Before applying the putty, the initial surface should be thoroughly cleaned of all dirt and dust, and preferably degreased using special means. If you are doing the job for the first time, it is better to first do a test application on a hidden section of the wall or on another similar surface. After all, even the best craftsmen did not succeed the first time.