They say that chance is a pseudonym for God.If this is true, then the apartment in question was indeed a godsend to its new owners. “Accident” is the word that comes up most often in David and Louise’s story about their new apartment. The couple spent a long time choosing a home and looked at many offers until one day they “accidentally” came across a recently renovated building with a century and a half of history. They hoped to buy an apartment in one of the newly built wings, but they “accidentally” ended up on the attic floor in the main part of the building and realized that they never wanted to leave. From this apartment you could go out onto the roof, from where there was a beautiful view of the town and green hills.
The decision was made quickly.But the head of the family did not want to move the furniture from the previous place of residence, fearing that large items simply would not fit into the narrow doorways of the new apartment. However, by the time of the move, it turned out that he had completely "accidentally" forgotten to sort this out, and some of the furniture still ended up in the new place. Later it became clear that the doorways were not so narrow, and almost all the furnishings migrated from the previous life to the new one.
But furniture is not an interior.And while the owner was looking for a suitable designer, the wife tried to create a feeling of coziness and home warmth in the new home on her own. She moved furniture, selected textiles, placed accents. The faceless kitchen needed bright, appetite-arousing details. The living room, facing the sunny side, needed to be refreshed with cool shades of the sky and sea. And for the bedroom, it was enough to buy new curtains (it was already perfect, the owner decided). When everything was done and it became clear that there was no longer a need for a designer, the owner of the house could only throw up his hands. How could it have turned out so great? The wife shrugged her shoulders.
Our opinion: There is no "home-made" interiorno big deal. And, as this example shows, it can turn out organic and beautiful. The main thing is to maintain color balance and place accents correctly. In particular, it is better to select bright spots of similar shades, but you need to maintain the correct "temperature": cold colors - for rooms with access to the sunny side, warm - for rooms with a lack of natural light.
Random luck: "self-made" interior in the attic floor