The first thing that catches your eye in any home isceiling. Seeing the gloss of the ceiling covering, few people think about the fact that there is another ceiling (rough) underneath it. The overall appearance of the ceiling depends on how it is made.Construction of the attic floor:1 - ceiling beam, 2 - cranial beam, 3 - insulation, 4 - rough ceiling (rolling), 5 - internal ceiling paneling. The rough ceiling, in addition to providing the ceiling of the room, it forms the basis for the final finishing. If in city buildings everything is clear with the basis (it is erected by builders in the form of concrete floors), then in private construction they have to be arranged from scratch.
Constructions of the rough ceiling
There are two main designs of the rough draftceiling: based on a concrete floor and a wooden ceiling. A rough concrete ceiling can be based on a floor made of one monolithic slab, and then alignment is not required (only finishing putty). In panel houses, where the floor is usually prefabricated from several slabs, additional alignment is required. In one-story buildings with concrete floors, it is necessary to apply waterproofing and thermal insulation. Making a wooden rough ceiling implies that there is only a floor made of wooden beams and a full cycle of creating a ceiling is required (from installing the frame to leveling the ceiling surface). In this case, it is necessary to simultaneously form the attic floor (loft) and the ceiling of the room, providing protection from moisture, steam and cold. Return to contents</a>
Rough concrete ceiling
Scheme of insulation of a wooden ceiling.First of all, concrete floors are thoroughly cleaned of dirt and old coatings. If mold or fungi are observed, these areas must be treated with an antiseptic composition. It is best to use a ready-made factory-made composition intended for these purposes, but you can use an aqueous solution of copper sulfate. After preparing the surface, a primer layer is applied. The primer is produced with a solution of dry deep penetration primer mixture. Plastering of the rough ceiling should be done with the installation of beacons, since the ceiling should be leveled relative to the floor and it is very difficult to control the thickness of the layer without beacons. Beacons are installed vertically at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other on gypsum pads. Horizontality is checked by the tops of the beacons using a two-meter level. The height of the beacons should correspond to the thickness of the plaster layer, which should not exceed 5 cm. It should be remembered that the accuracy of the beacons determines the quality of the entire rough ceiling. The ceiling plastering itself is done in three layers. The first is a leveling layer up to 5 mm thick. Its main task is to align the seams between the concrete slabs. Then the main layer of plaster up to 3 cm thick is applied. This layer is used to correct the horizontality of the ceiling. Finally, the last finishing layer is completed by smoothing the surface. Its thickness is 10-15 mm. For plastering the ceiling, it is better to use a dry gypsum-based building mixture for interior work. The first layer for better adhesion to the concrete floor is best applied from a dry cement-based mixture. Each layer is applied after the previous layer has hardened. After plastering, the beacons are removed and the places where they were installed are puttied. Return to contents</a>
Rough concrete ceiling in a private house
Insulation and waterproofing of concrete ceiling.In a one-story private building, the rough ceiling based on concrete floors must be insulated. The insulation should be applied from the outside of the floor, i.e. from the attic side. It is necessary to successively lay a layer of thermal insulation, waterproofing and a vapor barrier membrane on the ceiling. Protection can be made in two main ways: with a concrete screed or with wooden joists. When making a concrete screed, you can limit yourself to applying only a layer of thermal insulation. In this case, it is advisable to use bulk expanded clay. The layer thickness should be about 15 cm. After filling the insulation and leveling it over the surface, a concrete screed is made. To do this, concrete mortar is poured on top so that it partially penetrates the expanded clay layer and forms an upper layer of 2-3 cm. The horizontality is checked with a level. Further surface treatment depends on the purpose of the attic, for which the rough ceiling has become a rough floor. If a lighter version of rough ceiling insulation is required, wooden joists made of 40x40 or 40x50 mm beams are used. The beam lattice is attached to the ceiling using anchors or dowels. Thermal insulation, a layer of waterproofing made of polyethylene film or roofing felt, and a vapor barrier layer made of film with a foil coating are laid successively between the joists. Mineral wool or foam sheets can be used as thermal insulation. When laying, no gaps should be allowed between the beams and the thermal insulation. Wooden flooring, plywood or chipboard are laid on top of the joists. Return to contents</a>
Manufacture of wooden flooring
The process of making a rough ceilingIt starts with the condition that the house has a wooden beam floor measuring 10x10 or 20x20 cm. First, the ceiling grid is mounted. For this, logs made of wooden beams are attached between the beams. Rough sheathing is fixed to this grid from below. Usually, a tongue-and-groove board with a thickness of 25-30 mm is used. You can use chipboard with a thickness of 18-20 mm or two layers of plywood. The advantage of using a board is that the grid is not mounted if it is used. The board is securely attached directly to the floor beams. The board is attached to the beam with at least two nails or powerful screws. When fastening with nails, it is recommended to hammer them in at an angle of 45 °. Chipboard sheets or plywood are attached to the ceiling grid. It is recommended to fasten with screws. In this case, a hole is pre-drilled in the sheets in the places where the screw is screwed in, so as not to damage the sheets when screwing the screw in with force. The heads of the screws or nails must be countersunk. Return to the table of contents</a>
Selection of materials for insulation
Thank you for applying plaster.When making a rough ceiling, it is important to choose a material for thermal insulation and protection from moisture and steam. Different materials can be used for thermal insulation. Mineral wool has high thermal insulation properties, but they decrease with age. The material requires good waterproofing, since when wet it sharply loses its thermal insulation properties. Its use is quite common. When laying it, do not tamp it: the presence of air increases its positive qualities. Expanded clay is a good thermal insulator. However, when applying even a minimal layer (15 cm), the weight of the insulation becomes significant, which should be especially taken into account for wooden floors of the house. At the same time, this is one of the cheapest options. Foam plastic is one of the best thermal insulation materials, it is lightweight, and is practically not subject to shrinkage over time. The disadvantages include flammability (with the release of harmful substances).
Variants of floor structures in timberhouse. When using it, you can do without protection from steam. Foam plastic is somewhat more expensive than mineral wool, but it has many advantages. Polyethylene film is usually used as a waterproofing material. In terms of its availability, cheapness, and high moisture resistance, the material has virtually no competitors. To protect against steam, you need to use a layer of foil. You can simply use aluminum foil. But a film made of foamed polyethylene with a layer of foil is widely used. Such a film, when protecting against steam, also provides additional thermal insulation. Return to contents</a>
Production of a rough ceiling on a wooden floor
Installation of protective layers in rough timberThe installation of a vapor barrier film on the ceiling begins with the installation of a vapor barrier film. The film is placed between the floor joists, on top of the flooring, with the foil layer facing up. The side edges of the film are folded over the beam and secured to it. Thermal insulation material is placed on top of the vapor barrier. It is best to use mineral wool or foam plastic. Thermal insulation is sometimes made by pouring dry sawdust. In the case of thick beams, foam plastic sheets or loose foam plastic look preferable. Next, a polyethylene film is laid as a waterproofing layer. The film is applied with an overlap of at least 20 cm. All the protective filling between the beams must completely fill the space, and the polyethylene film covers the entire area of the ceiling. Sheathing made of wooden boards at least 20 mm thick, plasterboard, chipboard or plywood is laid on top of the beams and the protective filling, forming the attic (loft) floor. Return to contents</a>
Rough ceiling of the attic
In the attic the main function is thermalprotection. In this case, all protective elements can be applied only from below. First, a vapor barrier layer is applied with the foil facing down and attached to the roof rafters. Then, a polyethylene film is laid between the rafters with an overlap. The film is attached to the wooden rafters using a construction stapler. Next, a layer of mineral wool is applied so that there is no gap between the rafters and the thermal insulation. Another vapor barrier layer is laid on top of the thermal insulation layer with the foil facing up. Then, the cladding is mounted from boards, chipboard or plywood, which is attached to the wooden rafters. Return to contents</a>
Stucco of a wooden rough ceiling
Plasterer's tool and beacons used forplastering the ceiling. The ceiling is finished with plastering the surface with your own hands. First, all the seams of the wooden covering must be filled with dry putty mixture of deep penetration for wood. Then, the mounting mesh is attached with staples. The first primer layer is applied on it. After it dries, the entire surface is plastered. It is better to use a dry plaster mixture on a gypsum base. Plastering is carried out in three layers on beacons. Screws can be used as beacons. After the plaster dries, the ceiling is ready for finishing in any way (painting, whitewashing, cladding). Return to the table of contents</a>
Required Tools
When making a rough ceiling on a concrete base and for plastering, it is necessary to prepare the following tools and devices:
- capacity for a solution of 15-20 liters;
- a device for mixing the solution;
- shovel;
- the bucket is dimensional;
- spatulas of 3 kinds;
- Master OK;
- grater;
- a hammer;
- paint brush;
- paint roller;
- perforator;
- the level is two meters high.
For work with wooden floorsyou need to take care of other tools in advance: grinder, electric drill, screwdriver, hacksaw, hammer, chisel, pliers, screwdriver, construction stapler, knife, scissors, level. It is impossible to make the ceiling in the house smooth and beautiful without making a rough ceiling. It is quite possible to install such a ceiling with your own hands. To do this, you need to buy high-quality material and follow some recommendations.