Today our selection of films will feature detectives andadventurers, rich kids and scary-terrible vampires. What do they have in common? That's right, chic interiors For over six months now, we've been delighting you with selections of films and TV series in which you can always find an interesting interior feature. It could be the main characters' house or apartment, an office, a conference hall or even a laboratory — but in any case, the scenery is worth mentioning. And any film is worth watching, because otherwise it wouldn't be here! Last week was issue number 27, if you missed it, just click . Sherlock Holmes (2009, 2011) The public has grown very fond of the image of Sherlock Holmes, so over the past ten years, several films and TV series have been released with him. Warner Bros. Studio decided to outdo its competitors and immediately attracted heavy artillery to the creation of its film — director Guy Ritchie, actors Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, as well as a host of other famous personalities. The result was impressive - the two parts collected more than a billion dollars at the box office! And the local interiors are so colorful and authentic that you can actually live in them.
Ender's Game (2013) A rare film of the genrescience fiction, which is noticeably different from the traditional Hollywood popcorn blockbuster format, but, unfortunately, does not fully realize the full potential of its literary source. An original plot, decent visuals and a thrilling soundtrack lead to an original ending, which is worth watching.
Jack Reacher (2012, 2016) Releasedthe second part of Tom Cruise's adventures as the hero of a big-budget action movie with chases, shootouts and fights. And it's not even "Mission: Impossible", although it sounds very similar. In between the fast-paced action, you can calmly look at the details of the rooms in which the characters communicate with each other. Remarkable details are everywhere there.
Another World (2003—…) A stylish and strict film,telling the story of the confrontation between vampires and werewolves. There is none of the loving theme inherent in Twilight, nor is there a fairy-tale component with magic and sorcery. Only gothic interiors and laboratories, basements and old mansions, swords and pistols, blood and rage, and also - most importantly - Kate Beckinsale in latex. In November, the fifth film in the franchise will be released.
Richie Rich (1994) Actually, the actorMacaulay Culkin became famous thanks to two of his roles: Kevin in the Home Alone series and Richie Rich in this film. Here he is the son and heir of a very rich businessman who literally lives in luxury and can afford anything. And it is Culkin's character who has to save the family when the villain plans to get his hands on all their money. A great family comedy! And I would like to say something special about the house - the events of another popular film unfolded in it, which will be in the tips next time. But if you recognized the interiors - write your options in the comments!
City of Heroes (2014) We want to cover all genres,Therefore, we also suggest that you evaluate the Disney cartoon about a young genius inventor. He studies at the Institute of Technology of the fictional city of San Fransokyo and simultaneously designs robots. What is interesting is that this university combines elements of Stanford architecture and Japanese style. And as always, there is a villain who can only be stopped by our main character. The cartoon received an Oscar as the best representative of animation that year. We fundamentally disagree with this, because there were much more worthy films, but the fact remains a fact. But you will fall in love with the robot Baymax deeply and for a long time, we guarantee it.
Selection of films # 28: movies with beautiful interiors