Organization of space

Rent an apartment in half: how to ensure your comfort


Renting a house for two is profitable, but not alwayscomfortable. We talked with experts and found out what needs to be done so that cohabitation does not cause discomfort Are you thinking of renting an apartment "for a couple" and are afraid that you will not be able to withstand the lack of truly personal space? Or are you already renting a room for two and do not know how to solve daily problems? We surveyed some of our readers who have lived this way or have had co-tenancy experiences in the past and have come up with some important findings. The main one, of course, is that everything can be agreed upon. And it's better to do this at the very beginning. So, here are some simple tips to help you make your cohabitation as comfortable as possible:

Partition or wall

If you only halve a room, even withview of the Kremlin, it must be divided. Ideally a partition. This is the best option for those who like to do everything their own way. One can decorate her part as she wants, and the other otherwise. Here, no one will be left at a loss, well, except for your wallet. But the problem will go away instantly. There is, of course, one small minus here - this is sound insulation, or rather, its absence, that is, you will hear each other as before, but you will not see each other. Since most of the apartments are already rented with furniture, it is possible that someone in this version will get a part of the room with a bed, and someone with a sofa bed. And it is not yet known who will be the winner.


No money for the wall? You can always buy a screen.It is not at all difficult to establish it. Or you can just stretch the line under the ceiling and divide the room with a curtain - the old fashioned way. Inga Azhgirey, interior designer: - If you have to share not an entire apartment, but one room, a screen is an ideal option. Only the screen is best to buy not a simple one, but from a dense fabric, so that on each side of the fabric it is possible to attach practical and functional pockets for small things or so that photographs can be strengthened on it, for example. If you have a whole apartment at your disposal, and we are talking only about "dividing" the kitchen, hallway and bathroom, then here you need to think not about functional zoning, but about bringing the feeling of home to your rental housing. And you will have to create this atmosphere together: together to choose new curtains instead of those that have been hanging for unknown years, together to buy a rug and a curtain for the bathroom, together (if the owners allow) decide in what color to paint the wall in the kitchen. So the apartment you rent will become not just a place where you and someone else live, but a place where friendship, mutual understanding and care live. Indeed, in fact, most people rent an apartment "for a couple" not at all out of savings, but because it is more fun, more interesting, so there is a feeling that you are not alone. When my friend and I rented an apartment, it took a long time to decide what color to paint the walls. There were many colors that we liked. As a result, the walls turned out to be multi-colored: some yellow, some red, some blue, some green. And once, when I also rented an apartment "for a couple", the owners even allowed us to paint the kitchen. And we made a "watermelon" out of it: red with green and black. That was great! In general, the design of a rented apartment should be treated with a grain of irony, if not with humor. Well, when will you still have the opportunity to afford a little interior madness ?!


The room can be divided not only by a screen or partition, but also by a large closet opening on two sides. Or two closets, standing side by side, but opening in different directions.

Place for sleep

Everyone should have a proper place to sleep andpersonal space. Alternatively, you can buy two air mattresses, they are also very comfortable. But it is still better to have two folding sofas, or sofas, on which it is comfortable to sleep without folding them out. Another option is comfortable folding chair beds. For a small apartment or room, this is sometimes the only acceptable way to organize sleep. Our opinion: - In Soviet times, there was a chair-bed in almost every apartment: in case of a delayed guest or unexpectedly arriving relatives. True, their mechanisms were even worse than those of folding sofas, and they broke down quite often. Therefore, a chair bed was considered unreliable. It was also not intended to be used daily as a bed in any way. However, modern armchair-beds, especially Italian or ours, but made with the equipment there, are as lovely as they are. Orthopedic mattress, reliable mechanism, excellent quality. Editors have long liked the folding models of the Italian company Futura, which specializes in just this type of furniture.

Storage systems

To not engage in clarifying the relationship andIt is best to have separate cabinets. But if there is no such possibility, IKEA and its beautiful floor hangers and additional storage systems will help you, which will replace both shelves and drawers. Marta Savenko, Club of the chief editors of the market mass mediareal estate: - I am lucky, I am renting "for a couple" not a room, but a whole apartment. And she brought her furniture into it, so some of the questions on space zoning were removed by themselves. Nevertheless, we had to solve several problems. Without going into details, I want to say that, ideally, everyone should have their own wardrobes. If only for the sake of not finding a skeleton there by chance, after returning from a business trip. But this is not the most important problem. The most important thing is cleaning. In reality, even with agreements on a "watch" schedule, failures can often occur. In the end, we decided not to quarrel over this and hired an assistant who comes to us once a week and puts us in perfect order.


The most difficult question that you have to solvein shared accommodation is cleaning. However, even here there are ways to solve the problem without conflict. For example, buying a robot vacuum cleaner that will remove dust at a programmed time every day, regardless of your desire or unwillingness to do something. We have already published and cited the opinions of users of this wonderful machine.

  • Agree on the order of washing dishes, plumbing and the entire apartment.
  • If one of you does not like washing dishes or doing other housework, try to find a compromise and offer to do something in return for something equally routine or difficult.
  • Get out and buy, finally, a dishwasher, a good vacuum cleaner and a washing machine.
  • Install yourself on iPhone applications such as Youdo or Yandex Master, with which help to call the house cleaner was made easy.

