Design and Decor

5 simple questions to ask yourself before buying something for the house -


Here is the vase I dreamed of for a long time! This chandelier is exactly what I need! This handmade carpet is my favorite color, I just can not help but buy it! Before making such decisions, ask yourself five simple questions. This will save you from unnecessary expenditure and things that have not found their place in your home. Spontaneity of purchase is a trait that is inherent to women in general. Most often it appears in clothing stores. But if an unnecessary dress can be hidden in a closet or wardrobe, then from interior items that you do not fit, you just can not get away.

Why do I like this?

You can rest assured:The majority of potential buyers will be puzzled by this question. Trying to answer it, avoid definitions like “this vase is simply beautiful”, “this ottoman is cool”, “I have never seen such a coffee table on anyone's place”. Answer yourself: why do you like it? By color, shape, size, style ... As soon as you answer, immediately ask yourself: based on this quality alone, will this object in my apartment please me all the time? Are you ready to contemplate every day in the living room, for example, a huge bright blue vase just because you like it? Our opinion: - Even if you really liked the thing, ask yourself, do you really need it? And if so, is there something similar in your house? There are often cases when people, feeding passion, for example, to tapestries, have bought them so much that it's right to open a store at least.

Will the new thing fit into your interior?

No, of course you can buy whatever you wantlike it and carry it in. But then don't be surprised that one day your apartment will be called an antique shop. This is exactly how it will look if you force it with objects that do not match with each other in any way. Asya Bondareva, interior designer: - My recommendation is to always remember the basic concept of your interior, what idea it is combined with when deciding to buy a particular thing. Then the understanding comes intuitively whether this thing is needed or it will clearly go against the already existing design. You should not buy very accent things: they can draw all the attention to yourself, and the interior will disintegrate. It's another matter when there is nothing yet: neither a concept, nor ideas for the future interior, but on vacation you looked at some simply amazing thing, and it simply sunk into your soul. Then you should definitely buy. And a discussion with a future interior designer can begin with showing your treasure. In such cases, the most correct concepts and truly favorite interiors are born.

Will this thing "work" in other rooms in your house?

A negative answer to this question is definitelywill not be decisive when deciding whether to buy or not to buy this piece of furniture. But the positive will become a weighty argument in favor of purchasing the thing you like. Agree, if the original can not only refresh the living room, but also become a decoration for the bedroom, you can safely purchase it - the purchase will not be in vain. Alexander Kazakov, designer: - Most of all, be afraid of sales. It is there that most often buyers say to themselves: at such a price it is a sin not to take it, then it will come in handy somewhere. Then it turns out that the thing is not quite the same, and it looks in the apartment not as chic as in the large hall of the store. Money spent, disappointment remains.

What is the quality of a magnificent thing?

In the 90s, when China flooded Russia with itsgoods, people massively bought up bright Chinese consumer goods. Then the understanding came: things are spreading at the seams, the paint used is harmful to health, the purchased one is more suitable for one-time use. The interior item is not consumer goods. If you really got used to something with your soul, make sure that it is of high quality. It is unlikely that you will be satisfied with the original floor stand for flowers, from which the paint will begin to creep in a week. Our opinion: - If you just wanted to buy something, leave the store and leave the solution to the issue until the next day. As they say, you need to sleep with the problem. In most cases, when you cool down, you will no longer want to return for a purchase.

Does this subject have a history?

Have you ever compared a carpet released withweaving factory, and Khiva carpet handmade? When you touch the handmade creation, it seems that traditional Uzbek motifs begin to sound. So with any thing that is made by the hands of genuine masters. It's unlikely that you will get rid of the handmade ceramic chandelier made in one of the countries of the Middle or Middle East. Rather, you will want to change the interior for it. Therefore, acquiring a similar thing, think about whether you are ready to update the entire interior of your house.

