
How to become a famous designer: the secrets of popularity, the ways of PR and publication in the media


How to choose the right magazine for publication? How do online publications compare favorably with printed ones? How to use social networks for effective interaction with the customer? This was told by Oksana Kashenko, editor-in-chief of portal tries to cover all the most interesting exhibitions and seminars devoted to design and architecture. Today we will tell you about the seminar that took place within the Design Focus 2015. Oksana Kashenko, in the Design & Decoration Center design center, talked about how to properly advertise her work in the media. The lecture was attended by more than 250 designers and architects, both beginners and long-known.

Printed editions

A significant plus of printed specialized magazines is thatthat the reader still trusts them a little more than online publications. Here the authority of the magazine, how long it has been on the market and, of course, circulation, affects. But do not forget that the number of printed copies is usually very different from the number sold. In addition, time frames play an important role. Sometimes, after a positive response from the editorial board, it must take more than a year for the material to be published. Oksana Kashenko, editor-in-chief of - Any publications have a deferred demand. In the case of paper publications, the response to publication usually comes within 1-3 years. The response to an online publication also does not occur immediately, but, as a rule, the time frame here is calculated in several months.


Profile Internet publications have a number ofadvantages, especially for those designers whose customers do not give the opportunity to publish ready-made objects, as well as for novice designers. Most often, it is difficult to find a customer who would like to implement too bold proposals of a designer. Therefore, instead of a finished and professionally filmed interior (which is a prerequisite for print media), online media can offer visualization for publication. The portal, for example, is always happy to publish interesting renderings and ready-made interiors of designers interested in cooperation. Oksana Kashenko, editor-in-chief, - An important plus of online publications is the variety of formats. If for publication in print you have to bring a ready-made, high-quality filmed interior, then for online portals the visualization is as good as the realized interior. At we are happy to showcase the best examples of rendered interiors. Our readers equally well perceive both visualizations and professional photographs of finished interiors. They care about the ideas you can offer them. Another important criterion in favor of choosing an Internet portal is high media citation. After an online publication, a huge number of links will appear on the Web, pointing to the designer. Sharing a link by e-mail or sending it via social networks is much faster and more convenient than sending each other a magazine with an article you like. Oksana Kashenko, editor-in-chief, - After publication on the profile site, a lot of links to the design project are guaranteed to appear. If the number of readers of one issue of a printed magazine about interiors is in total (taking into account the formula that one magazine is read by 7 people) about 70,000 people, then the audience, for example, of the portal, is 700,000 people per month! And this figure is only growing every day. A large number of citations on the Internet creates for the author not only a reputation as an authoritative designer, but also helps sometimes to resolve controversial issues related to the issue of copyright. Oksana Kashenko, editor-in-chief of - Sometimes it happens that a photo of your interior is in someone else's portfolio. To minimize the likelihood that this will happen, try to post your work not only in specialized online magazines, but also on sites where designers post their portfolios. Thus, on the Internet, photos of your interior will already be on many sites under your name, and this will protect you from the fact that someone wants to pass off your work as theirs.

Social networks

We must not forget that social networks aresmall media for designer and architect. Having created a page (personal or completely dedicated to work), you need to regularly post, "collect" comments and correctly put good informative hashtags. Oksana Kashenko, editor-in-chief of - It is very important to put tags in the publication correctly. They should be simple, understandable and informative so that it is easy for a person to find your interior. Emphasize style, color, or which part of the apartment is designed for (kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and so on). The Internet space is a huge field for realizing your creative abilities, and specialized online publications are an ideal tool to advertise your innovative ideas and professionalism. Design & Decoration Center

