Any entrance door should protect the premises fromunwanted guests and intrusions. In addition, it should become an excellent protection from the cold and various noises that can be heard from the entrance or from the street. Also, high-quality soundproofing will allow you to keep all family conversations indoors, and no one passing by the apartment or house will hear a single word. Modern products already have high technical qualities, but sometimes there is a need to increase them. Do-it-yourself door soundproofing is a process that can be easily completed. To do this, you should use modern materials that will meet all the requirements.A high-quality entrance door should protect not only from unwanted guests, but also from street noise.
Main characteristics
Today on the market of entrance and interior doorsa fairly large model range is presented. Among all the options, there are models that have very high heat and sound insulation characteristics. It is worth noting right away that such products will cost significantly more. As for cheaper options, then, accordingly, the technical qualities are reduced. If you want to install the cheapest and most practical option, use a steel sheet, along the perimeter of which a corner is welded. In order to make the structure more durable, additional stiffeners are installed. Soundproofing of such a product must be done without fail. Soundproofing of a room can be done in several ways:
The last two options require additional labor and financial costs. Therefore, the best option would be to insulate the first door leaf. Return to contents</a>
Sound insulation of doors: practical advice
Door leaf construction with sound insulation.For soundproofing, it is worth using modern sound-absorbing materials, which are presented today in a huge assortment. A significant increase in the volume of the canvas allows you to save more heat in the room. By performing such work, you can completely change the appearance of the door. It depends on personal preferences and the selected insulators. The first thing the work begins with is removing the upholstery from the canvas. This is acceptable if the door has a frame covered with fiberboard sheets covered with a decorative layer - leatherette or laminated film. If the product is metal, then it is worth disassembling the structure, while it is very important to ensure that the cutting site is very neat, since subsequently it will be necessary to connect the elements by welding. It is worth checking the parameters of the frame and its geometry in advance. In order for the product to be more reliable and durable, additional stiffeners can be installed inside the structure. The entire internal area must be treated with a degreasing agent, for example, acetone. When working with it, be sure to wear protective gloves. As a heat insulator, you can use polyurethane foam, which is used to fill the internal void of the structure.
Soundproofing the door frame with sealant.Mounting foam is used to seal cracks that form during installation. As for sound insulation using this material, it will be quite low. Sound insulation of the canvas can be done using bitumen self-adhesive insulators. Among them, it is worth noting self-adhesive vibration insulators - bimast, vizomat, or self-adhesive noise insulators - vibroplast, splen. In order to perform high-quality insulation, you need to use three layers of each of the two types of insulator. In order to cut vibration insulation and sound insulation, you will need a regular construction knife or large scissors. It is also worth using a tape measure, ruler and pencil or chalk for marking. Sometimes, for better gluing, it is recommended to additionally use an adhesive composition. Return to the table of contents</a>
Pasting soundproof material
Types of soundproofing sealing tapes.After the surface has been degreased, it must be given time to dry completely and only then proceed to gluing the materials. The first layer must be bitumen vibration insulation. This material is a fairly heavy sheet with sealant - glue. This material can be glued in two layers. Several layers of sound insulation must be laid on top of it. This material is lighter and looks like thin foam rubber. The installation of such material must be done in strips, the process resembles gluing wallpaper on a wall. The protective film that protects the adhesive layer does not need to be torn off immediately, it is removed gradually, in the process of gluing to the door. At the same time, it is necessary to smooth the surface so that there are no air pockets. It is very important to overlap each layer. To do this, all the strips must be glued in a checkerboard pattern so that each joint is covered with a new strip of sound insulation. In order to remove the remains of the material, you must use a regular knife. It is recommended to apply such materials in the warm season, when the air temperature exceeds +20°C and even +25°C. If the procedure is carried out in winter, it is necessary to warm up the surface of the metal door with a fan heater. When applying insulating materials, you need to be careful in places of locking systems, you cannot block access to them, and after completing the work, the entire system should work without difficulty. Return to the table of contents</a>
Additional points
Soundproofing and thermal insulation are differentprocesses that use completely different materials. It is not necessary to perform thermal insulation if you only need to protect the room from extraneous sounds, but it is still recommended to perform all actions at the same time. To do this, after the sound insulation is laid, foam rubber or mineral wool must be laid in the space between the frame. In order to secure it, you can use a fishing line that is stretched in the form of a net.During soundproofing work, the door can becompletely change its appearance with the help of modern finishing materials. During insulation and soundproofing of the door leaf, it is possible to make the appearance of the door completely different. To do this, you should choose a finishing material that will best fit into the overall interior of the room and will suit your taste. For finishing the entrance door, it is best to use MDF panels, they are much stronger and, unlike PVC panels, do not deform over time. It is necessary to install the panels starting from the hinges. Wooden panels can be fastened to the metal frame using self-tapping screws or liquid nails. The advantage of the second option is the absence of damage to the panels, the surface is completely smooth. When sheathing, it is very important to mark the location of the door peephole and immediately make holes for it. To do this, use a drill with an appropriate drill. If the door is not going to be upholstered with new material, and a sheet of steel that was previously removed will be installed on top, you need to use a welding machine. The two parts must be carefully connected along the entire perimeter. It is worth monitoring the welding seam so that it does not interfere with the opening and closing of the door later. Finally, it is very important to stick a sealant around the entire perimeter of the door. This is a strip of foam rubber that has one adhesive side. The thickness of such material is selected depending on the characteristics of the door. Noise as a result of such insulation will not penetrate into the room.