Хотите, чтобы ваш дом стал похож на самое a real work of art? So that the interior will knock your guests off their feet and cause delight? So that magazines will line up for the right to take photos of your home? We learned how to achieve this, and today we will tell you about an interior designer who makes these dreams come true. Each of the interiors we have collected in this article is a masterpiece, worthy of being included not only on the cover of a magazine, but in an almanac on the history of interior design. They immediately convey harmony and elegance, you want to study them from all sides. All these objects were created by one of the most famous Russian designers - Marina Putilovskaya, who has her own distinct style, recognizable all over the world. Marina Putilovskaya, interior designer A famous Moscow designer and head of an architectural bureau engaged in the design of private and public interiors. She has created objects that have become iconic, such as the restaurants Palazzo Ducale, Tsarskaya Okhota, Temple of the Dragon, White Sun of the Desert, and Ki-Ka-Ku. Her clients include famous cultural and political figures, and each project is a true masterpiece. Such famous companies as Mechini, Medea, and many others produce furniture, lamps, and accessories based on her designs. putilovskaya.ru Greenfield The interior of this country house attracts at first glance with the scope of ideas, incredible composition, and overall elegance — everything here looks extremely stylish, laconic, and even monochrome. Marina Putilovskaya decorated each room in a specially developed color scheme. Each element of decor and decoration was invented and implemented exclusively for this house as a whole and for each space separately. The lower floor, intended for receiving guests, is designed in pastel, softened shades. What is striking here is the abundance of elegant details, the unique artistic stucco on the ceiling, the thoughtfulness of each line in the floor pattern. All the sophistication that neoclassicism is capable of is concentrated here. The second floor is decorated in the same concept, but is not intended for noisy receptions. If the American magnates of the heyday of Art Deco had seen how Marina Putilovskaya interpreted the style of that time, they would certainly have done everything possible to involve her in the creation of their interiors! Fortunately, Art Deco is a “living” style that can be supplemented. And designer Marina Putilovskaya made a huge contribution to the development and rethinking of this style.Project "Greenfield"
Project "Greenfield"
Greenfield Project "Zvenigorod" This bright andThe spectacular interior can only be called a kingdom of color - and nothing else! It seems like a fairy-tale kingdom, where waltzing couples are about to appear, they will whirl around a fireplace of fantastic beauty, in the carved decor of which you can see running squirrels, flying owls, flowers and grass. Traditionally for the style of Marina Putilovskaya, each space is designed in its own color palette, but together they create a single unique ensemble.
Project "Zvenigorod"
Project "Zvenigorod"
Project "Zvenigorod" "Baltia" According to MarinaAccording to Putilovskaya, the house is created exclusively for a woman, for whom it is important that the space be comfortable and cozy, beautiful and fabulous in its own way. It is the woman who is the personification of the soul, the heart of the home, the guardian angel of the hearth. In this project, the customer asked the designer to make sure that spring always reigns in the atmosphere of the house. And so it turned out - even when it is raining outside, the color of the walls helps to maintain the feeling of the constant presence of the sun. And the classic staircase with an exquisite pattern of forged railings perfectly emphasizes the mood of airy elegance created by the imagination of the designer. Marina Putilovskaya: - This absolutely unique house was created for an amazing woman. The kitchen here is one of my favorites. It was produced according to our sketches by an Italian factory, and when the customer received this miracle in Italy, she even burst into tears from an excess of feelings. The kitchen turned out so beautiful that it can safely be called a work of art. And it always feels like spring here too, thanks to the bright colours and stylish design.
Project "Baltia"
Project "Baltia"
Project "Baltia"
Project "Baltia" "Fortuna-8" "Fortuna-8" -first experience of building a wooden house. It is based on a completely different idea, which implies the rejection of concrete, plasterboard, mosaic or stucco in favor of what is so close to the soul of a Russian person - wood. Its smell, the refraction of sunlight on the texture of the walls, the barely noticeable "breath" of a wooden house - creaking and rustling: this is a completely different concept of life, for which people change their jobs and surroundings. Life outside the city in a wooden house can be absolutely comfortable, and the interiors are no less elegant. And designer Marina Putilovskaya managed to prove this, creating a unique space where the spirit of freedom and dreams reigns.
Project "Fortuna-8"
Project "Fortuna-8" "Fantasy Island" InIn the design of Fantasy Island, preference was given to Art Deco, which was more of a departure from the main style of work for the designers of the bureau. But even here, the techniques of Marina Putilovskaya are recognizable - the characteristic lamps and furniture that she designs herself, the use of plant ornaments and classic colors, complemented by her own, completely indescribable range of shades, work with natural stone and marble...
Project "Fantasy Island"
Project "Fantasy Island"
Project "Fantasy Island" Restaurants Getting to Know Each Otherwith the work of designer Marina Putilovskaya and the residential interiors she created, it is impossible to take your eyes off those public spaces that brought her fame as a unique master. Almost all the restaurants for which she created interiors have already become legends, they have entered the tops of the most visited by both Muscovites and foreigners. Many have been working for several decades, and their interiors do not become morally obsolete, which speaks of the highest artistic level of the designer's work.
Restaurant "White Sun of the Desert" This is also "Tsarskayahunting, where meetings of heads of state have been held more than once, and the well-known restaurant “White Sun of the Desert”, created in the theme of the beloved film, and the luxurious restaurant of fine Italian cuisine “Mario”.
Restaurant "Mario", Zhukovka
Restaurant "Mario", Klimashkina Restaurant"Ki-Ka-Ku", which unfortunately closed during the last crisis, was considered by many to be the most beautiful Chinese restaurant in Europe. Cherry trees were blooming, ducks were walking around, waterfalls and streams were babbling - it felt like you were in a real garden. Everyone was definitely captivated by the purely Russian invention - a buffet with Chinese dishes. The masterpiece Chinese "Dragon Temple" is loved by visitors. Everything here, from the cuisine and service to the interior, is maintained at the highest level. Not everyone can get in here - there are almost never any free seats.
Restaurant "Temple of the Dragon" Each restauranthas its own long and very interesting history. The beautiful "Palazzo Ducale", for example, has existed for 17 years. "Palazzo Ducale" is the quintessence of all the splendor that is hidden in Venetian private palaces from the eyes of mere mortals. The doges themselves would envy the luxury of the interiors of this restaurant.
Restaurant "Palazzo Ducale"
Restaurant "Palazzo Ducale" RestaurantThe Villagio, which looks like a castle with frescoes, is located in the picturesque village of Greenfield and was built a year ago for the Inkom company. Now it is used only for private banquets - the customers liked it so much that they decided not to invite anyone here except their friends. Marina Putilovskaya considers this object one of the most beautiful of all her creations.
Restaurant "Villaggio"
Restaurant "Villaggio" Amazing synthesistraditional techniques and a complete rejection of the rules make each object by Marina Putilovskaya spectacular and simply incomparable. However, the classics, in which such a large gallery of interiors was created, would seem to imply following the canons developed over the years. We asked Marina Putilovskaya to explain this paradox, inquiring what her favorite style is.
Restaurant "Piazza Rossa"
Restaurant "Piazza Rossa" Marina Putilovskaya:— I love the Liberty style with all my heart! It is the absence of standards, a departure from traditional rules, which makes it possible to create widely and freely. The Liberty style simply perfectly reflects the soul of a Russian person! All of our bureau’s projects — interiors of houses or restaurants — can be called examples of work in the Liberty style in one way or another. The spirit of freedom is in the air here and there are no barriers to creativity. We have found ideal partners — the masters of the Italian furniture factory Medea, who help us implement our ideas and create new unique collections. The Liberty style is difficult to implement — there are no ready-made solutions, just as there are no proven materials and concepts. Furniture for such interiors is made only by hand, in a single copy. In early April, we will show our new collection at the iSaloni exhibition in Milan, and those who have seen it out of the corner of their eye say that it will be a new discovery, a rethinking of the classics in its best transformation — the Liberty style.
Interior styles: modern, liberty, art nouveau - new classics