Today, they are becoming more and more popularpanel ceilings, which can be successfully used in any room, including in a room with high humidity. During the renovation, you can install a simple or two-level ceiling with your own hands, in the latter case, you will need an element such as an involute. Such finishing is not affected by fungi and microflora, does not rot from dampness and rust. It is quite easy to wash with disinfectants. During the renovation, the installation of such a system will not be accompanied by impressive monetary costs, since the material is inexpensive, and you can install it yourself without the involvement of specialists.Do-it-yourself suspended ceilinghelps to make the interior of the room unique. Install a simple one or you can use a pre-prepared system. First, you need to measure the perimeter of the room, which will determine the final length of the U-shaped profile. This element is installed on the walls and allows for an aesthetically pleasing connection of the ceiling slats to the walls of the room. To install a panel ceiling, you should prepare some materials and tools:
Installation diagram for a single-level suspended ceiling.
- ceiling set;
- perforator;
- drill;
- Screwdriver;
- marker;
- roulette;
- building level;
- ruler;
- knife;
- scissors for work on metal;
- pliers;
- dowel-nails;
- self-tapping screws.
Preparatory stage
Before you start installing the pendantsceilings, it is necessary to make markings. These works involve drawing a perimeter along which the U-shaped profile will be fastened. If you are going to install a regular horizontal system, then on one of the walls with some indentation from the ceiling surface it is necessary to apply a zero level, relative to which a line should be drawn in horizontal projection. For this, you can use a chalk line. It is necessary to increase the future ceiling space if it is not planned to fill it with anything. The minimum gap should be 5 cm. If you plan to supply the system with lighting yourself, you need to draw the profile installation line slightly lower, depending on the dimensions of the devices.Scheme of a two-level suspended ceiling fromplasterboard. The next step is to apply markings for the installation of stringers. They should be perpendicular to the installed slats. The U-shaped profile should be fastened with dowels. You need to step back 5 cm from the edges and drill holes, the remaining holes should be 0.5 m apart. You need to drill from the outside of the profile, this will prevent burrs. After installing the profile, you need to, using the markings, prepare places intended for hangers, which can be in the form of plates or wire. Adjustable hangers are the most convenient, as they allow for the most accurate alignment of the ceiling system. The edge points should be removed 30-40 cm from the end walls, while the intermediate points should be located at a distance of 1.2-1.5 m. Now you can proceed to installing the stringers, which are rails with grooves. It is on them that the slatted panels will be fixed. Their length should be such that there is a 1 cm gap between them and the wall profile. This gap is necessary to compensate for the deformation of the slats due to temperature changes. If the ceilings in the room are located at a low height, and the room itself is relatively small, then it is preferable to refuse to install such a system, since after the work the ceilings will be 8-10 cm lower.
Diagram of the components of a suspended ceiling.The more even it is, the thinner the ceiling space will be. Therefore, it is recommended to pre-level the ceilings before starting work. All communications can be laid in the system. They are placed in the hollow space after installing the insulation or sound insulator, if their presence is provided for by the design. In parallel with the laying of communications, the location of the lighting fixtures should also be considered. Return to contents</a>
Assembling the panel ceiling
Do-it-yourself suspended ceiling installationafter the panels of the required length have been prepared. To do this, they need to be given a length of 3-5 mm less than the step between the profiles in which the ends of the slats are supposed to be mounted. After that, you can begin assembling the ceiling surface. The slats must be inserted into the grooves of the stringers, and at the end a characteristic click should be heard - a signal that the edges of the slats are securely fastened to the tongues of the bus. If the final slat does not fit in the dimensions of the remaining space, it should be cut. To do this, draw a deep line along the length with a knife, which will determine the place of the cut. On the part to be removed, perpendicular cuts must be made, and the pieces of the panel formed by them should be broken off, bending several times in both directions.Installation of halogen lamps withtransformer in a suspended ceiling. After that, the edge rail can be installed with the cut side in the profile on the wall, while the other edge is fixed on the stringer tongues. For greater convenience, the cut rail is mounted penultimately, and the last one must be reduced by 14 mm. During the installation of all the rails, they must be inserted into the wall profiles, guiding them diagonally. But the final one must first be shifted to one side, the first edge must be inserted into the profile, and only then the other edge must be inserted, giving the element the desired position. In this case, both ends must be located evenly in relation to the walls. Then the rail must be fixed on the supporting rail. Return to the table of contents</a>
Recommendations for ceiling installation
At the time of planning a conventional rack ortwo-level ceiling, you should take into account the direction of the lines that are formed by the joints. As a rule, they are located from the source of daylight to the opposite wall. If the room is narrow, then the transverse arrangement of the slats will visually change the proportions in a more advantageous direction. If the room has a square ceiling, then it is preferable to choose a diagonal arrangement of the panels for installation. In a large room, the installation of slats requires the need to splice the panels. To do this, you need to purchase or check the availability of a set of intermediate inserts, they allow you to ensure an aesthetic connection of the elements. A flat or two-level slatted ceiling allows you to install a spot lighting system. For this, you should first prepare holes in the panels. It is worth marking a circle on the panel in advance in the right place. From the center of the circle to the outer line, using metal scissors, radial cuts should be made. The resulting petals should be bent inward into the ceiling space. The smaller the size of the petals, the better the quality of the installation of the lamps will be. During the assembly of the panel system, it is necessary to ensure that the integrity of the finish is not compromised. The surface should be protected from scratches and abrasions, as this will negatively affect the appearance of the finish. After all the main slats are snapped to the stringers, you should check the horizontality of the ceiling using a level. If necessary, you will have to tighten the hangers, which will allow you to adjust the system. Only then can you proceed to the process of filling the space between the panels with inter-slat inserts. If you plan to install a slatted ceiling in the bathroom, the walls should have a finish that will not interfere with the installation of the system. This can be, for example, ceramic tiles, the upper level of which will be located slightly below the mount of the ceiling system. As an alternative, you can install a suspended ceiling in the bathroom, but only specialists can install it.