
Storage systems: ideas for placing without a cabinet


There is not enough space for a dressing room ormassive cabinets hamper an already small room? Then, perhaps, it is necessary to find new ways of storing clothes? We offer you 5 non-standard ideas on this matter and 25 stylish examples. Maybe you should not think about where to put a bulky wardrobe or where to allocate space for a wardrobe? Perhaps things do not need to be hidden, try to use them as decor, as recently it is very fashionable, and many designers love this technique. But in order to understand more clearly how one can abandon the usual closet, it is worthwhile to consider several interesting ideas for storing your wardrobe.

1. At the entrance

It is very useful to place a counter at the entrance.First, it is a classic place where you and your guests can leave your outerwear. And secondly, here it will be possible to store your bags, scarves, glasses and other accessories that are matched to the general outfit just before going out. At the bottom of the structure, you can organize several compartments for shoes, and on the sides you can install shelves for small parts, which will also be quite useful. Our opinion: - Few people can boast of a large hallway, in most cases the area of ​​this room leaves much to be desired. But don't despair. Clothes racks are a great alternative to the closet. Thanks to this technique, you will save space and the hallway will look much more spacious.

2. To the ceiling

For fans of minimalism an excellent optionthere will be a hanger attached directly to the ceiling. Although this is a very unusual solution for storing things, similar proposals can be found even in IKEA. Such a suspended structure will create a very interesting and attractive accent in the interior, and also will save space on the bottom.

3. Stand-alone racks

Elegant, simple and organized solutionarrangement of the wardrobe can become an autonomous stand. With her and the room in the room will be more than with the closet, and the room will be much more spacious. A similar rack can be on rollers, which will allow it to be moved quickly and easily. So, as a uselessness it can always be rolled back into a secluded place and just as quickly returned when it is needed.

4. Storage systems

Especially useful in small spacesuse of space to the maximum, leaving no "gaps". In this case, complex storage systems are best suited. In fact, this is a whole wall unit with a large number of hangers, partitions, drawers, shelves and other elements. For the convenience and strength of the structure, it is often attached directly to the ceiling, which also allows more active use of the space above. Our opinion: - If you don't want to bother with creating a whole storage system, you can just build a hanger over the chest of drawers. In this case, the space will also be used effectively, and the appearance will not suffer.

5. Your own hands

The beauty of racks and clothes hangers is thatmost people can build them with their own hands, which can not be said about the cabinets. It is enough to have only a few metal tubes, wooden sticks and fasteners. If you want and creative approach, even from thick branches you can build an original and functional system of clothes storage without a cabinet.

