Первая половина осени прошла под знаком all kinds of design holidays, presentations, exhibitions and master classes. We will tell you about three of the most interesting holidays in the world of Russian design in recent times. On October 16, the Chateau de Vessel salon, famous for its exclusive kitchen interiors and luxurious cutlery, held a business breakfast for architects and designers. During the event, professionals were able to get acquainted with new kitchens from Porcelanosa Grupo and household appliances from De Dietrich, with exquisite table decor from the French brand Gien.
A little earlier, on September 22, I celebrated an important dateThe first Crate and Barrel store in Russia — it turned one year old. The international chain of stores of modern furniture and accessories summed up the results of its activity in Russia for this period at a festive party, which took place directly in the Moscow salon. The new autumn collection of furniture and accessories was presented at the party. Visitors were able to chat and play board games. The festive atmosphere was filled with home comfort, just like the new collection. In addition, Crate and Barrel employees shared tips on how to create the perfect home party using the company's products.
Another important event was held on October 7th.TRIO-interior salon on Marshal Zhukov Avenue. Guests were shown products from several brands - Eggersman, which produces stylish premium German kitchens, and the Russian company Ligron, known for its signature kitchen countertops and wall panels. All the details about the companies could be learned first-hand - the evening was attended by Eggersmann CEO Andreas Schewe and Ligron Director Valery Vorotyntsev. In addition to the design part, guests were treated to a culinary master class from the famous chef Mark Statsenko, as well as gifts from the event's partners.
This is how eventful the first half of autumn was, and we will be waiting for further holidays and events and sharing news about them with you!
Three bright Moscow events in the world of design - etk-fashion.com