Notes of the designer

Bonsai tree floating in the air -


What is more original accessories for decoration, sothe interior itself looks more interesting. The latest novelty, which particularly impressed our editorial staff (and it is not so easy to impress), is the Japanese decorative bonsai trees "floating in the air." It's kind of air-floating decorativeThe tree was developed by the Japanese firm Hoshinchu. The electromagnetic system, built into the tree, and the actual pot that underneath it, allow the plant to demonstrate miracles of levitation. This is the secret of the magic ability of the Japanese representative of the flora. There is an ancient Japanese legend, according to whichone mighty emperor ordered the creation of a whole miniature empire, where all trees, cities, rivers and mountains would be. So on the light and there were decorative bonsai trees. And now with the help of magnets and high technologies, these small copies of ordinary trees have turned into amazing decor elements.

