Unusual layout of a two-story houseThe layout of a two-story house should be thought out especially carefully. Such structures, as a rule, do not have a very large area, and therefore the location of the zones in them is often not very convenient. One way or another, but this is an affordable and in many ways a good option for people who want to acquire their own home, but are limited in funds. And with a reasonable approach to design, its interior can become a real design masterpiece. Especially if the house is equipped with large windows, allowing you to solve most of the problems with lighting. The best way to visually increase the space of the room is to use light materials in the decoration. And the construction of compact plywood partitions between zones and glass sliding doors will create conditions for rational organization.
Interior partitions Bedroom area of the apartmentis represented by a small room with a minimum amount of furniture. The bed is arranged on a low podium. The built-in wardrobe is skillfully disguised with sliding doors that copy the wall paneling.
Sleeping area For the bathroom was allocatedenough space to compactly accommodate a toilet and shower. Transparent doors make the space less closed, turning the bedroom into a modern suite.
Bathroom The abundance of corners and protrusions is justemphasizes the uniqueness of the interior. The use of natural wood as the main material for wall cladding adds warmth and coziness to the space. The transition between the tiers is decorated with low wooden steps.
Corridor and steps The second tier of the room alsodemonstrates the dominance of natural materials in the decoration, especially light brick and wood. The floor is laid with light laminate, which supports the design idea. In such a small area, through rational organization of space, an office, a living room and a kitchen corner were placed.
Second tier design InteriorThe office is formed by a large wardrobe, which has enough space for work tools, household items and clothes. In the niche under the bookshelves, a study was arranged, which, if necessary, is hidden behind a sliding door, so that the computer equipment does not introduce dissonance into the composition.
Cabinet Additional storage space is provided by pull-out drawers, which are hidden in the steps leading to the second tier.
Additional Shelves Before you beginWhen designing such premises, you should study in detail and determine the parameters of the available space, and then think about a compact and convenient placement of the zones.
First tier plan
Second tier plan
Position of the apartment in the building DescribedThe design of the two-story house we have created is certainly practical and inexpensive. Therefore, if you want to make your home unique, follow the principles of minimalism, as the creators of this project did.
Unusual planning of the house: bunk apartment