During the New Year holidays (as well as any other)you want to go somewhere calm, quiet and as comfortable as possible for a wonderful vacation. And this unique house that we found absolutely meets the stated requirements. The Olson Kundig architectural bureau completely developed the Studhorse project - this is a house for the whole family, where everyone loves life full of emotions and adventures. Maximum open space, natural materials and mountain landscapes around will create the perfect atmosphere for a vacation that will be remembered for a very long time. This house is located in the mountains of Washington State, in a place where it is extremely hot in the summer and quite a lot of snow in the winter. Studhorse is fully prepared for such diverse climatic conditions, allowing you to live in it all year round. Related articles
The house complex consists of four buildings,located around a central courtyard and a pool, the edge of which touches the cliff. From the outside, it all resembles a tent camp, and this is the architect’s idea: on the outside, it’s strict and modest, but on the inside, it’s cozy and comfortable, as if you were in a dry and warm sleeping bag amidst the endless beauty of pristine nature. Related articles
Wood, glass and concrete - simplicity fulfilledtastefully. In winter, the room is really warm due to the tightness and the fireplace, and in summer you can live in the open air, opening all the doors, but having a constant shadow above you. The pool will dilute the pleasant and quiet pastime. Old wooden floors, previously used in the barn, still remain the most ergonomic and natural material, and quite practical. Such a project can be adapted to any weather, even in our latitudes.
Where to spend the new year 2017: the perfect home