You are planning to do some renovations and hire helpdesigner? Are you anxious about the process of creating the interior of your dreams? Today we will tell you what you need to tell the designer before starting the project so that the result pleases you. Often, the customer and the designer find a common language, but sometimes the search for a compromise ends badly, and this mainly affects the interior. It is important to grasp the internal compatibility, to hear and understand each other. How to achieve a positive result?
1. Like in confession
If you want to get a comfortable andharmonious interior, you will have to tell the designer almost everything about yourself. Honesty and trust are the main components of a successful project. Our opinion: - The designer needs to know your habits and hobbies. What is your priority? How are your relationships in the family built? How many children do you have, do you like to sleep until lunch, do you prefer to have dinner at home or in a restaurant, and so on. This is especially important if you do not have clear ideas and wishes for creating the interior. This way, the specialist will be able to find a golden mean for all family members. Vadim Materosyants, interior designer: - My ideal formula for working with clients is based on trust, then the result is ideal.
2. Selecting the type of space
To predict the development of the interior onthe coming years, the designer needs to know what type of space to choose for all family members, even the little ones. Are you planning on having more children in the near future? Do you like to get together, cook dinner and chat, or does everyone prefer privacy? The type of space depends on the relationships in the family. Alexey Ilyin, interior designer: - First, you need to collect as much information as possible. This, of course, includes all the plans and drawings you have, all your wishes, information about the expected changes (which may occur over time), all your sketches, magazines with embedded photos, if any. Perhaps you will define some kind of "motto" for your interior. For example, "modernity, light and space", or "the interior of an English gentleman", or "sunny Provence", or "a quiet haven".
3. Profession, temperament and lifestyle
There is no need to worry if the designer isask detailed questions about your profession and hobbies. Are you an extrovert or an introvert, a choleric or a melancholic. All this greatly influences the choice of interior, including temperament. For example, phlegmatic officials most often prefer a solid, heavy-weight classical style. And choleric people love a baroque interior. Sanguine people will stop at modern or high-tech style. A romantic style is more suitable for an artistic melancholic nature. Therefore, the designer needs to know such information about you. Alexey Ilyin, interior designer: - The most important thing is to establish a partnership, a trusting relationship with the designer, because from now on you are comrades in solving the most difficult task of creating an interior where you will "taste the delights of a happy life."
4. Color and style
Once you've gotten to know each other better,you should tell the designer about your stylistic and color preferences. They are closely interconnected. Each interior style is characterized by certain dominant colors and shades. If combined correctly in the interior, this will have a positive effect on the health and mood of all household members, as well as guests. It is known that different combinations can cause both positive and negative emotions. Children and women are especially sensitive to color perception.
5. Purpose and goals of space
It is important to know the purpose and purpose of the space.Do you want to create a relaxing, light atmosphere in the room or achieve a tonic effect? In the study, it is better to create an environment that increases productivity. It is more comfortable to be in the living room when it sets you up for pleasant communication. The children's room is a special zone in general. The more clearly you define your wishes, the easier it is for the designer to find the final positive result.
6. Visual effects
Before a designer starts working on yourproject, tell him what effect you want to see. Do you want the room to look airy, light, or, on the contrary, more subdued? Do you need to visually "push" the walls and "raise" the ceiling? Don't forget to indicate this right away. Our opinion: - An important component at the initial stage is the correct purpose of lighting in the space: which part should be highlighted and which should be darkened.
7. What irritates you?
Perhaps it is also worth noting in particular that youmay irritate: color, shapes, textures. These may be objects that are associated with some unpleasant situations in life. Perhaps, for example, you do not like a vintage chandelier because it reminds you of a difficult relationship with your mother-in-law. Alexey Ilyin, interior designer: - You must be extremely frank, because your interior is a small, almost autonomous world, your "fortress home". If something may bother you, something is unacceptable for you, be sure to discuss all this with the designer before starting the design. Perhaps there are some wishes in the field of interior design that seem unrealistic to you, discuss this, perhaps the designer will be able to realize your dream.
8. Budget limits
It is also worth discussing the financial side right away.project. Most often, it is determined at the stage of discussing the stylistic solution of the interior. After all, each style has its own budget. Vadim Materosyants, interior designer: - The budget is set when discussing the style. One way or another, each style determines its own budget. Accordingly, the amounts necessary to complete the project are announced.
9. Discussion of textures and materials
One of the important stages in creating an interior is materials and texture. But they should be discussed after providing sketches.
10. I don’t want to part!
It happens that some items do not bother youwant to get rid of. Consider this point. Old things are restored, upholstery is updated. Although it all depends on the style in which you will decorate the interior, perhaps you will not even have to change anything. Now there are many options for how to fit the old into the new interior.,,,