Children's creativity is unique.Drawings and crafts placed in the apartment space bring special warmth to the interior, and also stimulate your child to perform new artistic feats. But how to make sure that children's creativity and modern design exist in harmony? Now we will tell you The appearance of children immediately affects both life and the design of the apartment. A children's room is created, which must be done. In addition, this space must be arranged in such a way that a. Also, with the appearance of a new family member, appear everywhere. In addition, sooner or later, every child begins to practice "painting lessons". The desire for creativity should be encouraged! You can place the drawings and crafts of a little artist in the most visible place. There are several options. On the wall The easiest way is to create a gallery of children's creativity on the wall. To attach drawings, you can use pushpins, and for heavier crafts - nails or hooks. If your child is already older, then allow him to choose a place for the new masterpiece himself - this way he will be able to create his own gallery.Behind the glass Do you think that your drawingschild should hang in the children's room? Not at all! Combined with a stylish frame, your child's abstract works will become a real masterpiece that can decorate any room in your apartment. Even the living room!
Deep frames Deep frames without glasswill allow you to quickly change the exhibition. You can place drawings, small crafts and small toys in them - the child can create an art object himself. You just have to make sure that the colors and textures of the frames are harmoniously combined with each other and do not clash with the design of the room.
On clothespins It's simple:secure the fishing line, and then use clothespins to hang up drawings and light crafts. Depending on the room's design, choose bright clothespins or clothespins in more subdued colors. By the way, you can paint wooden ones yourself. This method allows you to quickly change the work, and therefore the entire look of the room as a whole.
Magnetic boards Secure your little one's workchild prodigy on a magnetic board. Here you can place drawings on paper, as well as family photos. In addition, it is easy and simple to create new graphic plots on the magnetic board itself.
On hangers A new look at a familiar thing!Simply attach curtain hooks to the hangers and hang children's drawings on them. Ideally, the hangers will be identical and the works will be done in the same style.
On the clipboard Even the clipboard can becomea great place to display children's drawings and crafts! To do this, simply attach an office item - a clipboard - to the wall using double-sided tape or polymer glue. This is another option that allows you to quickly change the drawings.
On the rails Install one or morewooden slats on the wall. Children's drawings and crafts can be attached to drawing pins or hooks. You will be surprised, but trouser hangers can also be used for these purposes.
Printing of drawings Drawings and crafts have becometoo many? Take a photo of them and then print them out. Then place the photos or collage in a frame. If you make several such stands, you can see the evolution of your child's creativity.
Drawing on the wall Option for the most daringparents: give the wall to the child's possession. Then the visual creativity of your child will be preserved for a long time. Little by little, the little creator can add new elements to his wall picture.
Where to display children's crafts: 10 brilliant ideas –