The championship in Brazil has long since ended, andinterest in it is growing. We decided to find out how things are with interiors in this sunny country. And, of course, we asked about the situation in other countries. We met with a representative of the German company Leicht, one of the most famous kitchen brands in the world, Sven Frieze, and asked him about the current trends and whether the demands of the Russian consumer really differ from the preferences of Americans and Brazilians. Leicht specializes in the production of kitchens of the highest "German" quality, and a whole team of professional designers creates an expressive design that, as time has shown, will not lose its relevance even in a decade. - We heard that your company opened a representative office in Brazil. And how is it there? What style of kitchens is the most popular in this country now? - The most popular in Brazil now are white and gray kitchens, as well as kitchens without handles in a modern style. — Which markets after Germany are of the greatest interest to you? — Our largest markets are Germany, Switzerland, England and France. Russia, America and Asia are also very important for us, because they have huge growth potential. Recently, as you already said, we started working with Brazil. They have their own specifics — very large kitchens, on average — about 30 meters. We also supply wardrobe equipment for Brazil. By the way, we also receive orders from Russia for not the smallest kitchens — 20-30 meters. — And how does the furniture purchasing process work there? — It is also very similar to the situation in Russia: if a VIP client comes to the store, then visitors are shown the door under a plausible pretext, the doors are locked, and security is posted outside. — A few years ago, a boom in Scandinavian interiors began, including in the USA, where you sell very well. To what extent did you have to adapt to this fashion? And what models are currently popular in America? - Modern kitchens are in the greatest demand. Of course, there are national characteristics, for example, Americans love large refrigerators, and we have to specially develop huge facades for them. And Americans, like Russians, are very fond of classic kitchen models.
— - Let's just say at this pointLet's take a closer look. What kind of kitchens do Russians prefer to order? - We have a huge selection of kitchens of various design options - modern, traditional, classic, etc. As for the tastes of Russians, they most often lie outside the preferences of Europeans and confidently move towards something unique, rare and exclusive, but often still with a classic twist. - Who else loves classic kitchens, besides Russians and Americans? - Russia is the main customer of such models. Perhaps only Korea and China compete with you. - What colors are the most popular in the kitchen now? - White - it is eternal. And also warm shades of gray, which combine perfectly with the current trend - "untreated" wood.
Do you know how different Brazilians are from Russians? Only not kitchens!