What makes one kitchen sink different from another?Is it difficult to choose a model that would satisfy even the most capricious housewife? Let's figure it out together Even if you have equipped your kitchen with all the latest technology and that you could find in stores, you will have to do something here with your own hands all the time. And this something is connected with the sink. In order to rinse one cup or wash two forks, you will not start the dishwasher. You don't have one? Then the role of the sink increases many times over. Fruits and vegetables also have to be washed by hand. If you specifically pay attention to the daily movements made in the kitchen, it turns out that you approach the sink much more often than any other objects and equipment located here. The conclusion is clear: you need to think about the convenience and functionality of the sink in advance, even before going to the plumbing store. Then and . So, what is required from the sink? Convenient location, optimal volume, additional functions. Let's consider all possible options. Let's start with a simple stainless steel sink. Everything is standard: a container of the size and shape you need and a traditional arrangement. Simple and discreet.A slightly more complex model - with a wing forwater draining from freshly washed plates, cups or pots. You can also put a colander with washed fruit here for a while or put greens waiting for their turn "under the shower".
In some models, such a "wing" can be equipped with a mechanism that supplies warm air from below. This helps moisture disappear faster.
A cutting board placed over a part of the sink and repeating its shape will help you quickly cut vegetables, fruits, herbs, potatoes without crumbling or dripping on the countertop.
A small container with holes through whichexcess water drops will neatly go straight into the sink, making the process of washing greens more aesthetically pleasing. Although in essence, such a procedure is no different from drying greens on the side wing. But women love all sorts of cute accessories!
Such housewives will appreciate a sink with even morea small compartment for washing greens. Look, instead of a complex chain of actions: take out-wash-put aside-dry-wipe, you only need two movements - put, wash. You can prepare a dish, while the greens dry in a separate compartment and will not interfere with your free use of the sink.
You are preparing a dish from many ingredients, and timeAre you short on time? Use different containers that can be placed in the sink at the same time, placing different vegetables in each one to be washed. A conveniently located cutting board will allow you to peel and chop vegetables without unnecessary movements and walking around the kitchen.
A special container where you can place chopped vegetables straight from the board is every housewife's dream. All splashes and drops will end up in the sink, not on the table, kitchen apron or stove.
Of course, a sink with two bowls is always better than one with one. If you don’t agree with this thesis, you are a man. Or you have a housekeeper who is a cook.
The ceramic model of such a double sink, protruding forward beyond the line of the countertop, is very beautiful. True, it will have to be wiped more carefully and not only along the inner perimeter.
If the kitchen area allows you to "spread out",two sinks next to each other will look great. It is a double sink, as it may seem from the outside, and at the same time two completely “independent” containers. Let’s say you will always wash only dishes in one, and only food in the second.
Is beauty more important to you than simple conveniences? However, beauty cannot be inconvenient. Such a double sink will decorate any kitchen.
And such a double sink with a copper bowl will not only make your kitchen beautiful, but will also increase the estimated value of the entire apartment.
We were wrong.Beautiful can be a little inconvenient. But if you have such a sink, rinse something small in it. For everything else, there is a dishwasher or, finally, a sink in the bathroom.
Don't forget to consider the options for installing corner sinks. It can be a regular one, built into the corner part of the countertop.
But it is much better to choose specificallya model designed for such placement. It has all the advantages of straight sinks, but overall the kitchen set will look more thoughtful with it and will not allow you to fill the corners with household appliances that you rarely use, but do not dare to throw away or put away.
The complete set of such a sink can be the mostdifferent. Wash, dry, cut - it's convenient to do all this here. And there's also a place to put a saucepan. When choosing a sink for the kitchen, looking at the accessories included with it, evaluating its aesthetics, don't forget about the most important criterion - convenience specifically for you. And then the kitchen will not be a utility room, but a creative workshop.
15 Practical Tips for Choosing a Kitchen Sink – etk-fashion.com