A fence is the same indicator of individuality asand the interior of the apartment. We have made for you a selection of the most amazing country fences, the owners of which are clearly not deprived of taste, imagination and a sense of humor. A fence is an important visual element that separates your space from someone else's. Height, material, color - you can create a fence of almost any type and complexity. Even among fences there are By the way, the classic version of the fence can be made . However, when creating a fence, there are many ways to bring to life your boldest creative ideas. A new visual element will definitely make your country life even brighter! White wooden fences are already a real country classic. However, if you choose not quite the usual elements and shapes, you will get a unique fence.Graffiti art can help decorate even the mostnondescript surface. To create a wow effect when creating a fence, consider the features of the surrounding environment. Show a little imagination, and then no one will be able to forget your fence.
Wooden or metal, high or low - any fence will become more beautiful if you decorate it with all the colors of the rainbow. The main thing is to remember about the harmonious combination of colors.
A fence can "play" not only thanks to color. Use a musical staff as a country fence - exquisite and tasteful!
Even if you have had a simple wooden fence for several years, it can easily be updated with decor. For example, decorate it with small colorful houses.
Fans of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland will surely enjoy a fence in the shape of playing cards.
Even a fence can become elegant if you decorate it with such beautiful decor. The main thing is to make sure that the candle flame cannot touch the fence.
A very unusual option is a mirror fence. This is an amazing fence that will blend in with the surrounding environment as much as possible.
A fence made of many jugs with fancy elements is a real work of art. Such fencing will make your summer cottage truly unique.
The fence can be functional - if niches are installed in it, for example, for containers with plants. This is not only a convenient, but also an unusual option.
Wood is the material that allows you to create a fence even with the most bizarre shape. For example, cats can "settle" on your fence.
Flowers, even real flower beds, can be a logical decoration for a country fence. That's when a boring fence will instantly transform.
To create a beautiful “flower” fence, you can use any container, even simple bottles.
Using the simplest weaving, you can create any images on the fence. For example, a dachshund several meters long.
Just imagine that the fence is the wall of a room in your apartment. Hang house plants, paintings and other art objects.
Even a woodpile can become a reliable and unusual fence.
You won't surprise anyone with a chain-link fence, but a fence made of this material with floral patterns will definitely be remembered by every passerby. After all, such a fence looks so much like fine lace!
A bright and original fence can be created using mosaics. The main thing is to come up with a design and choose the right color scheme.
You can choose a fairly high fence option. Moreover, you can “plant” real flowers at the very top.
Bicycle frames and wheels as a fence? And it's possible if you like to give old things a second life.
pinterest.com; idealsad.com; 7dach.ru; delatsami.com
20 most unusual summer cottages that can be built in our latitudes