Today we'll only talk about hallways.And we won't even say anything, we'll just show you. Small, tiny, large, huge and luxurious - it doesn't matter. After all, a hallway is in a home of any size. Even in a yurt. There is an opinion that the hallway is the face of the house. Surely, this is partly true. But we believe that the hallway should first of all be in harmony with the entire home. Be designed in a single style, color scheme. And it should also be functional and convenient for those who use it. Without this, there is no point in it. Therefore, today we decided to show you those hallways that were created for their daily use by owners of a wide variety of homes.
The most important requirement that wewe present to hallways - functionality. It should be convenient to store things in it, regardless of whether two jackets or a huge wardrobe for five family members are available. Of course, when we are talking about a small room, which hallways in old small apartments most often are, it is difficult to find a place for a large closet or dressing room. But many people still find solutions to this problem.
40 hallways that cause a desire to repair their