Apartments up to 45 sq.m.

How to fit everything at 36 meters: a small interior Bethany


This girl managed to turn her smallthe house is a real storehouse of interesting experiments with storage systems. She squeezed the maximum out of 36 square meters, creating a real atmosphere in the 50s of the last century Bethany Clayton - a cheerful girl who loves animals, designs wooden furniture, dreams of opening a shelter for dogs and cats. She also has a companion - the energetic dog Elle. Together they live in a small house, which is located in the city of Durham, North Carolina. Their dwelling occupies only 36 square meters - modest for an apartment, and what can we say about a house. This circumstance tested the girl's intelligence. It turned out that in such a small area, you can place more storage systems than in a solid house. The most interesting ideas were used - a housekeeper underwindow sill, hinged open shelves, hooks on doors, the use of mini-niches and even space under the ceiling. The lack of square meters made a real inventor out of a simple girl. Bethany Clayton, mistress of the house: - When you have a large house with spacious rooms, you don't really think about where to put things or put some pieces of furniture. But it's a different matter when you stay on your own with limited space. I did not despair and began to adapt for storage of things even those places that I would not have paid attention to before. For example, I made small shelves right next to the window frame in the kitchen. It was not difficult for me, because I really love making furniture. And I also thought, why not make a window sill on top of the window, and not below, as is customary? This freed up space by the window for reading, as this is my second passion after making furniture. This apartment is furnished with a lot of vintage items -from an armchair and suitcases to lamps and posters in the style of the 50s. One gets the impression that nothing has changed here since those times. The girl chose this apartment partly because of these items with history, which she inherited from previous owners. Bethany Clayton, mistress of the house: - They haven't lived here for a long time - they moved to Europe. People came here sometimes to visit relatives in America. Therefore, all the vintage items were very well preserved and I got them for free. Joy knew no bounds! I am crazy about the 50s, given that there were such things here, and I am not indifferent to this time, I decided to support the retro style throughout the interior. To do this, I bought some excellent, in my opinion, vintage suitcases and several used lamps at a local home sale. The interior looks quite simple and modest,but it is filled with such a welcoming atmosphere that one wants to look at the details of its design again and again. It is felt that Bethany is a real hostess who loves to her small but cozy nest. Bethany Clayton, mistress of the house: - I fell in love with this house at first sight. I found an ad for it on one of the local real estate sites. For the price, I could not afford something more, but when I moved here, I realized that it was mine! I wanted to give this house my own character, make it cozy and interesting. Because at first it reminded me of a frozen frame from retro cinema - lifeless and faded for a long time. To do this, Bethany got rid of the brown wallpaper,with which these walls were once pasted over and painted them white. So she killed several birds with one stone - made the interior more airy, spacious and not weighted down. The girl decided to supplement the kitchen with wood for additional comfort, and with accents in the form of yellow dishes to create a sunny mood. Furniture covers, potholders, pillows and othersI sewed textile accessories myself. This is another of Bethany's hobbies. But she didn't sew curtains on the windows, I really wanted extra solar heat. Where, you ask, is the dog Elle also housed? It turns out that he is the boss of the living room. Here he sleeps on the couch, which explains the plain fabric cover, which is easy to change and wash. And at last one more secret of a happy lifeBethany in this house - there is a small utility room near it. His girlfriend has adapted to her workshop, so she can now fully create, as they say, without leaving home!

What you should pay attention to in this interior:

Use every place wisely

Bethany, in her own example, showed howUse your mind wisely. So do not sit back, if you have a catastrophic lack of storage. Adapt for this you can even cardboard boxes, old baskets, plastic boxes, hinged shelves and racks with open compartments.

The atmosphere of the 50's

The girl managed to maintain the atmosphere of the 50'swith the help of vintage suitcases. Great reception! And besides, they can also store things in them. Find them is not so hard. On any flea market there is a couple of excellent specimens. Sometimes these handsome men are simply thrown out as useless. So ask around with your friends, maybe someone is just planning to get rid of the suitcase.

White color

White always looks good. And that's what Bethany could prove to us. Not for nothing designers often use it and recommend to use it on small spaces.

