Palm leaves on the wallpaper, vases in the form ofcacti, textiles with tropical flowers and herbariums on the walls - in this article we share ideas on how to make your apartment "greener" without creating a real garden at home. Plants are the best way to make the interior brighter, livelier and more natural. But it is not always possible to fill the house with fresh flowers: some people travel a lot, some move often, or maybe there is too little space and light in the apartment to plant your own small garden. There is only one way out in such situations - you need to look for an alternative, especially if you do not often go outdoors. In this article, we will tell you about five simple ways to fill the interior with greenery, even if you do not have a single real one in your house.No. 1.Wallpaper Palms, cacti, ferns, bamboo, leaves or flowers - the print on the wallpaper can be of absolutely any type, color, size and contrast. If the bright and large pattern inherent in the "classic" tropical style seems too bold, pay attention to more neutral watercolor prints of non-contrasting shades. No. 2.Textiles But you can definitely experiment with textiles: if after a week you get tired of bright bed linen or you stop liking curtains with a floral pattern, it won’t be difficult to replace them with something more subdued. However, it’s unlikely that you’ll quickly fall out of love with textiles with a “green” theme: they are very refreshing and decorate the interior, especially if you’re already tired of classic floral patterns. If you are still more inclined towardsflowers than palm leaves or cacti, you can find suitable textiles in the new lines of Christian Lacroix and Designers Guild. Both delight with natural fabrics, rich colors and exquisite patterns. And they were inspired by Parisian haute couture of the 1950s.Designers GuildChristian Lacroix No. 3.Decor The right decor also helps to create the right atmosphere. These can be either natural elements (for example, palm leaves, which, by the way, do not require care), or cute little things, like stylized ceramics or a vase in the form of a cactus. No. 4.Paintings A large-scale watercolor canvas, a small drawing or a series of professional photographs - paintings with plant motifs open up a huge number of opportunities to "green" the interior the way you want. In addition, if the room is decorated in a neutral palette, a painting with a floral theme will perfectly cope with the role of a bright accent. No. 5.Herbarium If you don’t find ordinary paintings to be soulful, a herbarium is a great option. You can dry your favorite flowers and plants yourself or buy ready-made compositions, frame them, hang them on the window or decorate the wall with dried flowers, depending on your wishes. In addition, such decoration will not affect your budget in any way, especially in the summer, when you can collect all the plants yourself.