Organization of space

5 most common mistakes in the arrangement of small rooms


Is it really easy to arrange a smalla little room? The one who does nothing is not mistaken? Today we will tell you how to equip a modest space without mistakes. Happy owners of a small living space often use phrases like "small, but their own" when talking about real estate. It sounds rather like an attempt to justify the not so enviable footage and own capabilities, rather than sincere pride in oneself. But why is it so? There is an opinion - the more space, the better. We are in a hurry to dispel the prevailing "dimensional" stereotype. The immense area of ​​an apartment or house is, of course, always good, but there is nothing shameful in a limited number of square meters. On the contrary, a small space gives an excellent opportunity to realize, which are not always successfully applicable for a giant housing. The end result, which will show whether your house will become more spacious or is still doomed to crampedness, directly depends on the competent and most thoughtful arrangement of the interior. Just starting to decorate the bare walls of a room or deciding to reorganize existing ones, be guided by the principle: "Forewarned is forearmed." Using the tips of the architect Evgeny Vilenkin, designer Anna Chevereva and decorator Mila Zagumennaya, we have highlighted the most common mistakes in the design of the premises, which it is better to know about in advance than to correct after the fact.

1. The wrong color of the walls

Light design heads are recommended for use indecorating the walls as the main one, it visually increases the space and volume of the room. Indeed, this technique is ideal for relatively large areas, but, surprisingly, its charm only partially works within a very small room. You do not have to completely abandon light shades in the interior, but by using deeper, contrasting and brighter colors on at least one of the walls (and even on the ceiling), you will make the room more lively and dynamic. Mila Zagumennaya, decorator:- In my opinion, one of the most notable mistakes in a small interior is the completely monochromatic color of the walls, without any contrasting hint. Based on my experience, I can say that just in the volume of a small space it is more interesting to look at a beautiful, richer color and texture. This makes the room richer, draws attention not to the size, but to the overall style. Our opinion: - When thinking about the color of the walls, you can try applying vertical or horizontal stripes. Thus, depending on the orientation of the lines, the space will increase in height or width, respectively. Alternatively, you can use the color gradation of the horizontal stripes, from the darkest at the bottom, weakening the depth of the shade towards the ceiling. Vertical stripes can be contrasting and alternate with each other in line thickness.

2. Furniture not in size

Once again, the words “avoidpiles of furniture ”, and once again the majority still neglects the rule, striving to block the access of oxygen to the room. On the one hand, the desire to equip the space with furniture to the maximum is understandable, it’s a matter of everyday life. Here you have a wardrobe with a sideboard, a sofa and a bed, and next to it is a writing desk paired with a reception section for six people, and it's all in one place - it's convenient, isn't it? On the other hand, this option is only suitable for a furniture warehouse on the day of shipment, but not for a living room of a modest size, but for some this is the norm. , leave only the most necessary furniture: replace bulky armchairs with chairs made of transparent plastic, choose a horizontal solution for floor items: sideboards, chests of drawers, stands for multimedia. If possible, lowering their height below eye level, you visually free the middle and upper part of the walls, moving the entire load to the floor. When deciding to install a cabinet or shelving unit, use the entire height of the room, from floor to ceiling, so you get additional storage space. Anna Chevereva, designer:- Before filling the room with furniture, it is necessary to take measurements. Depending on the results obtained, the furniture should be selected appropriate and taking into account the necessary, at least 80 cm, distance between each of the interior items. By the way, do not forget to take into account the space for opening drawers, doors, the required area for moving the chair, and so on. If we are talking, for example, about a private area, then it is wiser to abandon an armchair with a floor lamp in favor of a more spacious bed with thoughtful lighting. It is best to arrange the sleeping place in such a way that it can be accessed from both sides, that is, the bed should not stand right next to the wall. The room will become more spacious and comfortable. Evgeny Vilenkin, architect: - An ill-considered attitude to space and functional areas is extremely unforgivable. In conditions of a shortage of space, you can use transforming furniture. It has a number of disadvantages in the form of faster wear of mechanisms and working units. But nevertheless, the transformation of an apartment into a “dwelling-theater” with the transformation of space, depending on the currently prevailing function, is quite justified.

3. Partial use of space

The owners of large apartments rarely think abouton how to more compactly organize storage space, although there is always free space for them. But for the owners of small apartments, this is almost the root cause of a constant headache. Soberly assessing the innumerable amount of acquired property, you understand: it is a pity to throw it away, and there is nowhere to store it. Bulky cabinets, massive cabinets and other structures are used, which simply "eat up" the space, and do not accommodate everything and everyone. Be smarter, cheat the footage, freeing up space, using every seemingly unsuitable corner for storing things. Our opinion: - Integrate the small bedside tables under the window sill, immerse the rack in the piers between the windows, make hinged boxes above the doorway, at the end of the day, use the voids under the bed, turning them into an additional storage space. Using at least one of the above examples, you yourself will be surprised at who was the person who dragged all this furniture to your room.

4. Excessive decoration

Naturally, functionality is a favoritesmall space, but do not forget about the aesthetic aspect of the arrangement of the room. Paradoxically, it is at the stage of interior decoration that problems begin. We are all unique, and each of us has developed a craving for beauty to varying degrees. For some, a small vase on a pedestal is enough, and someone hangs pictures on the wall with a second layer - and everything is not enough. The golden rule for decorating modest rooms is to keep track of the number of items. Even the most unusual accessories can simply lose their appeal in the general overflow of decor. Less is more. m decorating a small space, create the visual center of the room, it can be a painting on the wall or one element, but one that can compete with a thousand knick-knacks. You can also expand the space with the help of decorations: glass, mirrors and other reflective accessories come into play with light, giving the room a lightness. Mila Zagumennaya, decorator:- When decorating a room with decorative elements, the room should be perceived as a monumental work of art. Simply put, you need to highlight for yourself what will be the main decorative spots - textiles or carpets, for example, and what will complement them: paintings, vases, small accessories. Excessive filling with small details "clutters up" the space, but, of course, everything is very individual.

5. Lack of light

Everything is clear.If there is light it is good, if there is no light it is dark. The problem of small space is just darkness, and to solve it, one ceiling lamp is not enough, because due to weak lighting, the room visually narrows even more, unnecessary shadows and discomfort appear. Of course, no one proposes to make a dazzling illumination of a football stadium on a few square meters, but it is necessary to highlight each of the functional areas as an addition to the general light. As a rule, in a small room there are proportionally small windows. It will be a fatal mistake if you "cut off" the natural light with thick fabric curtains. In addition to the lack of sunlight, such window decoration makes the overall atmosphere of the space heavier, thereby constraining its dimensions - light and translucent materials will be an ideal solution, of course, if you are not a vampire. Anna Chevereva, designer:- Pay attention to additional lighting, as poorly lit areas will make the room even smaller. Use wall lights - sconces, table lights, cabinet lights, or behind the TV. Today, curly fluorescent lighting, like signboards in bars, is gaining popularity. Customize your design, choose a color, create your own phrase or word - this will greatly personalize the space. Consider convenient locations for switches and sockets - comfort expands the boundaries of a small room., Mila Zagumennaya, Anna Chevereva, Evgeny Vilenkin

