Garden and plot

6 of the most beautiful flowers that will decorate your autumn garden. Bonus: tips for seasonal work of September


Blooming gardens are the most beautiful in the beginning of autumn,When the riot of colors turns ordinary flower beds into a fairy tale. We will tell you how to create such a fairy tale with your own hands and how to prepare your garden for the future flowering. Flowers of early autumn are the brightest, most fragrant. They gained strength over the summer and now smell in the gardens, playing with all the colors of the rainbow. In this article you will find photos of the most beautiful gardens made in the beginning of autumn, as well as advice on seasonal work that should be done this year, so that in the next your garden is as beautiful as shown here.

So, walk through the gardens

Royal roses proudly shake their heads,towering over other plants and bestowing them from time to time with their velvety petals swirling on the fly. And sharp spikes hold admiring admirers who can watch these wonderful flowers for hours at a distance. Strict gladioli, stretched into a string,observe the order in the neighboring beds and flower beds. Their huge flowers gently open under the warm sunlight, lifting their elongated faces-bells. Wax kalechki callas painted in incrediblecolors. They do not allow themselves to lean to the ground and can not compete with other flowers in a fragrance: they have practically no smell. The advantage of callas is their ability to bloom long and blend with any garden plants. Asters are one of the most popular colors. They are unpretentious, the number of varieties is huge, and the best visual effect is achieved by mixing them on one flowerbed. Flat petals, sharp arrows, folded into tubes, are all asters, so simple and so beautiful. Marigolds seem at first sight effeminate, butthis impression is deceptive. Small flowers of this plant can vary very much from each other (this depends on the variety). But there is always a fragrance, grace, beauty and thick boots, formed by a friendly family of marigolds, ready to grow and blossom almost anywhere in your garden. Dahlias are somewhat similar to asters, but they arecompletely special. These are flowers that can have the most incredible colors and shades. And contrasting combinations do not seem vulgar, because nature has given dahlias refinement and variety of forms. Of course, I want to save such a long timefloral carnival, but autumn will only prolong the life of your garden beauties. However, you can prepare your garden now for the next August to give you even more joy, colors and colors. First of all, in August it is necessary to producedivision of perennial flowers. You need to start with primroses: primroses, irises, lilies of the valley. Carefully dig the plant out of the ground, divide the rhizome in the place where the rosettes with roots have formed, then plant it in a previously prepared hole, where previously add mineral fertilizers and humus. Phlox, lily, delphinium, echinacea and many other plants can be divided and rooted in the same way. It is important to remember that each separated flower must have at least 3 buds and its own root part. This will be enough for the plants to take root during the autumn months and be able to successfully overwinter. The best planting depth of flowers is 25-30 cm, and only peonies like to go deep into the ground up to half a meter. It is necessary to divide and transplant peonies in the second half of August, but this procedure should be carried out once every 7-10 years. Do not forget to shorten the old shoots by about a third. In August, lilies are divided and transplanted, and seedlings of two-year-old flowers are rooted: pansies, Turkish carnations, daisies. If you love your flower garden and want to keep it in the best possible condition, do not forget to do some treatments each year in August.

  • Tie dahlias and gladiolus to the supports.
  • Spend the stepson of dahlias.
  • Do top dressing with phosphorus and potassium gladioli, which are in the stage of budding.
  • Inspect the rose bushes and remove wild growth in a timely manner.
  • Pinch the unripened shoots of decorative shrubs, otherwise they will not be able to prepare for the winter.
  • If you have rhododendrons growing in your garden, feed them with a mixture of 40 g of potassium sulfate and 20 g of double granulated superphosphate (per 1 sq. M.).
  • Remove the existing axillary shoots of chrysanthemums to extend the flowering of these plants.
  • Engage in the multiplication of clematis, honeysuckle, forsyzia.
  • Stop feeding annuals and perennials.
  • Collect the seeds of flowering plants, arrange them on sachets and label them (next year you can fill the flower palette of your garden).

