
6 Steps to Creating the Perfect Workplace at Home


Do you work through remote access? Strive for financial independence and success? Excellent! To work fruitfully and without harm to health, it is necessary to organize a workplace at home correctly. And we'll help you in this. How to make a perfect home office? We suggest together with us to make steps that will help you create a cozy, functional and ergonomic workspace.

1. Label the work area

Despite the fact that you work without leavingat home, there must be clear boundaries "office-home". Sitting on the couch with a laptop is not a good idea. You need to switch from household chores and tune in to a working mood, so a separate office or place is required. Even if there is no additional room for these purposes, be sure to allocate a separate area. Plasterboard shelves, a screen, a podium, cabinets can serve as a partition. Even a different wall color is fine. Ekaterina Stepanova, designer: - The main condition for work is privacy. Therefore, try to find a quiet and cozy place for yourself. It does not have to be large, like a full-fledged office - four square meters are enough, of which two will have a table and two will be able to sit. Sometimes folding furniture is the only solution. For example, several of these table models can be found even in the IKEA store. Very often, the office, in the absence of excess space, is taken out onto the balcony. This is a functional solution, but one must not forget that in order to arrange heating on the balcony, special permits are required, since the thermal circuit of the building is disrupted. Ideally, loggias and balconies can be used only during the warm season.

2. Inspired by color

To work fruitfully and be inspirednew ideas, choose colors that best stimulate you to work. Experts assure that the skillful use of color creates a positive effect. Among the rich color palette, beige, yellow, green and blue colors are tuned to the working mood. Guided by the laws of color, new ideas are better perceived with the help of yellow, it stimulates nervous activity and vision. Blue helps to make competent decisions, and the function of green is to provide harmony and tranquility. Red is considered the most active color, it can increase muscle tension for a while. However, there should not be a lot of it, otherwise overwork is ensured. The combination of red and blue-green stimulates performance. Orange acts almost like red, but is much softer and therefore more work-friendly. If you have a monotonous, monotonous and long work, without brainstorming, then choose blue. It soothes and relieves muscle tension, develops patience. And it helps to reduce appetite.

3. Select a location for the table

Of course, it is best to equip the to the window. And ideally, daylight should hit the table from the left side. If possible, organize your workspace right on the window. In this case, use the wide surface of the windowsill as a table. Our opinion: - Experts recommend placing the chair with its back to the door - this is the easiest way to concentrate. But for the sake of sight, the worst thing is to sit with your back to the lamp or to the window.

4. Watch your posture and order.

A comfortable table and a comfortable chair are considered a guaranteegood posture. It is recommended to use an office chair or a hard chair with a flat high back for work. Choose a table that is large enough to fit the essentials on it. It is important that a minimum of things remain on the work surface, but everything is at hand. If you have a table without additional drawers, hang a shelf next to it. It is recommended to use the distance at arm's length. This will make it more convenient to get paper and other materials needed for work. Elena Krylova, designer: - The most important thing to remember when organizing a workplace in the house is ergonomics. Make sure you have a comfortable chair (42 to 52 cm), a work table of the right height (68 to 76 cm) and the right lighting.

5. Fill the room with light

Adequate illumination of the workplace reducesstrain on vision and provides better productivity. The ideal option is diffused illumination of the entire space combined with direct light sources above the workplace. Our opinion: - Use additional lamps built into the ceiling, a table or hanging lamp (preferably on the left side).

6. Remember Beauty

To make your work as enjoyable as possible,surround yourself with beautiful things. If this is stationery, then let it be of an unusual shape and of a different color. Place a couple of flowers next to it. It is very helpful for resting the eyes. Motivating pictures or useful information are allowed. It is important not to overload the space with various small objects, photographs, cosmetics and magazines. Otherwise, you will have the opposite effect, and you will not be able to concentrate and work fruitfully. Elena Krylova, designer: - Place the workplace next to the window. In ergonomics, it is very important that the gaze is periodically distracted from the computer and looks at the beauty outside the window. To do this, the desktop can be taken out to the balcony, having previously insulated it. As for the choice of materials and stylistic solutions for the workspace, here it is worth starting from the design of the entire study. But the main thing is to remember that health is above all!

On a note!

  • Choose furniture in accordance with the basic interior.
  • For legs use a special stand.
  • It is better to equip the workplace further from noise stimuli.
  • Place the monitor so that the center of the screen is at eye level. The optimal distance from the screen is at arm's length.
  • You will be less tired if the keyboard andMouse set at the level of elbows. This is considered the most correct position forearms and shoulders. At the same time, the wrists remain straight and do not deviate downward or upward. If you do not, then it is better to purchase a special keyboard, which provides a support for the hands.

