Are you planning to change the tiles in your bathroom or kitchen?Are you tired of the classic tiling, but don’t know how to lay tiles differently? Then check out our guide to the most popular and up-to-date tiling patterns. Tiles are one of the most popular finishing materials. Firstly, they have excellent technical characteristics: strength, durability, ease of maintenance, and resistance to moisture and temperature changes. Secondly, tiles are so diverse that they suit absolutely any style: they can be plain, patterned, shiny, convex, smooth, stone-like, and wood-like. We can go on and on. But choosing what you need from such a variety is only half the battle. That is why we are dedicating today’s material to how the selected tiles can be laid.
Diagonal Diagonal laying is one of thethe most difficult, but the effort is worth it. It has several advantages at once: it visually increases the space, hides surface defects and makes it possible to create a beautiful pattern. For diagonal laying, it is better to take square tiles. They are laid in the same way as in the traditional version, but at an angle of 45 degrees.
Imitation weaving Very interesting waylaying - imitating basket weaving. It looks best in a two-color or single-color version and comes in two types. A simpler version uses only rectangular tiles. A more complex scheme requires rectangular and square pieces. To ensure their ratio is harmonious, select tiles so that the square is half the rectangular. Two-color tiles look especially good on the floor, and a simple single-color laying scheme is suitable, for example, for a kitchen backsplash.
Herringbone Styling This pattern is very similar totechnology of laying ordinary parquet. In this method, narrow rectangular tiles are used; you can use one or several colors. For the floor, it is best to take tiles that imitate wood. The "herringbone" is ideal for rooms with non-parallel walls: this pattern easily hides the defect.
Our opinion:— If the classic herringbone pattern seems too simple for you, use its more complex version — with attachment. The difference is that small square pieces of contrasting color tiles are added to the pattern. Brick-like This pattern is also called staggered laying, but non-professionals always associate it with . It exists in both horizontal and vertical versions (the second is suitable for walls). It is best to take single-color rectangular tiles for this pattern. Brick-like laying is suitable for any room, but primarily for narrow ones; it fits into any style and is combined with both wallpaper and other types of tiles.
Mosaic Mosaic laying gives unlimitedscope for creativity. The scheme itself is simple and unchangeable: the mosaic is made up of small pieces, most often squares. But the “filling” is up to you: it can be completely monochromatic, or it can become a complex pattern. In modern interiors, you can turn the mosaic into pixel art or lay out entire phrases from it.
Versailles This pattern has many names, but allThey are ultimately associated with France, and Versailles is the most famous of them. This type of installation involves the appearance of a symmetrical, clear, very elegant pattern, which could be seen centuries ago on the floor of the Palace of Versailles. This installation usually uses four different types of tiles of different sizes. In life, it is most often found in wide open spaces and public interiors, although it is no less suitable for private spaces.
Chessboard It would seem that there is something fashionable inlarge checkered pattern? Believe me, everything. Firstly, the contrasting classic combination goes very well with bright elements and enlivens any space. Secondly, in a modern interpretation, a checkerboard pattern does not necessarily have to be an ensemble of white and black. For example, you can replace the latter with a muted grey color, thereby obtaining a neutral, but at the same time very interesting background for the interior.
Mill Mill is one of the varietiespopular pattern called modular grid. It is an irregular pattern of tiles of different sizes and is in turn divided into subtypes. The most interesting of them is the mill. It is suitable for almost any room and style, and if you are looking for something bright and modern, we recommend choosing small tiles of contrasting colors. In this design, the pattern will be more abstract and less similar to the boring traditional tiles.
Patchwork About the fact that patchwork sewing is the same— has long gone beyond the scope of handicrafts, everyone knows. Surprisingly, despite its long history, this technique remains just as popular today. The laying scheme is very simple: you will need tiles with different patterns and your own imagination. As for the homogeneity of the pieces, you can take tiles of the same or different sizes.
Our opinion: - Try experimenting not only with the pattern and size, but also with the shape. For example, hexagonal tiles will look very interesting in the patchwork technique.
9 Most Popular Ways to Lay Tiles –