
9 saving ideas how to store bags -


We know how to pick up bags for outfits much better than to find for them a worthy place in the interior. Will learn?

As you know, the contents of the averagehandbags can help its owner survive the apocalypse. But what to do with the constantly growing collection of handbags themselves is not always clear. Most of us just lay them out in several layers on a shelf. Such blasphemous attitude seems to us completely unacceptable, because a good women bag is a real piece of art, and the approach to its storage should be appropriate.

The most logical place to put your bags- entrance hall However, not every hallway has enough space, which can be entirely taken under bags and backpacks. How to deal with it? Fill the space to the maximum. For example, fasten the old door handles right under the shelf with trifles. Why doorknobs? It's simple - you can hang at least two bags on them.

For storing clutches and small purses-wallets, an organizer for linen or a box for hats are perfect.

Now there is a huge amount of specialsystems and fasteners for storing bags. In particular, you can find belts with hooks that stretch on the door and allow you to hang out a whole collection of bags, and the number of belts, if desired, can be increased to four pieces.

As a basis for hooks, you can use any interesting enough flat surface. Here, for example, we see the old line cutter.

Do you have a free bar in the wardrobe? Match the appropriately sized rings for the shower curtain and combine the barbell, rings and bags into one friendly company.

The times of the CDs have passed, and the shelves for them remained? It's time to give their existence a new meaning.

A niche that highlights a vase and a birthday present for a birthday clock is boring and trite. After all, your bags will look great there, don't you find?

In the absence of a full wardrobe and boudoir, weoften forced to use as a dressing table desktop. After him, stationery also comes into play — pencils are replaced by some especially creative girls; plastic organizers — caskets for storing jewelry and cosmetics. By the same principle, you can find a good place for convenient storage of small bags and clutches.

Empty wall for which you have notYou can choose a decent design, it is quite capable of becoming a gallery for your beloved collection of bags. As fasteners, we recommend choosing the same type of hooks or putting together several items of vintage accessories.

