If you are a fan of the Scandinavian styleinterior design, then this article is especially for you! Today, interior designer Stepan Bugayev will explain and even demonstrate how to recreate one of the most popular styles in Europe in your home. Scandinavian style has recently been gaining more and more popularity. It is simple and at the same time original, suits almost everyone and is open to experiments with color and decor. Originating in Scandinavia and absorbing all the best from the traditions and mentality of the northern European countries, this style remains one of the most popular today. We offer you a selection of 9.5 items in Scandinavian style.Stepan Bugaev, interior designer GraduatedMIPT with a master's degree in physics and HSE with a master's degree in business informatics. Has his own design studio, under his leadership more than 500 design projects have been implemented. Included in the top 100 best designers, according to the leading interior publication AD. He is a teacher at the HSE School of Design, teaches his own course "Interior Design. Rules for Creating a Successful Project". Gives open lectures on interior design and writes articles for leading interior magazines and portals.
9.5 items in Scandinavian style - etk-fashion.com