A wardrobe is more than just a closet, it’s a whole systema thoughtful approach to storing and organizing clothes. And if you think that a real wardrobe will appear in your small apartment no earlier than a swimming pool - for you our tips and beautiful ideas It is difficult to allocate a separate room for clothes if you live in a one-room apartment. And how to make a dressing room in a small room? But you can still feel like a Hollywood star, getting ready to go out, if your chic wardrobe has a worthy frame. As the heroine of "Sex and the City" said - "I like to see my money, so it hangs in my closet", so do not spend a single extra penny and a single extra meter on something that can be done "cheap and cheerful". Storage room In "Khrushchev" apartments, storage rooms and built-in wardrobes are often provided for by the layout - if you are lucky with this, then find another place to store a vacuum cleaner and ironing board and arrange a small dressing room. Tidy up the room and remove the door - this will give you more space. If necessary, it is better to close the entrance with a curtain. Massive furniture is not suitable; it is much better to use mobile cabinets and light rods for hangers.
Wall in the bedroom If clothes need to be placedin the bedroom, you have several options, not counting the standard option "regular wardrobe". For example, clothes can be placed along the wall. Yes, the wardrobe should be impeccable - after all, you will have to look at it constantly. If the bedroom is sunny - the fabric can fade, not to mention dust, but beautiful clothes will only decorate the interior.
Behind the headboard If you don't want to constantlysee your clothes, organize your wardrobe on the headboard. Let the headboard itself or a light screen serve as a divider. Another option is to build a wall of plasterboard. This way, nothing will distract you while you rest.
In the corner The corner is a good place to store,which often goes to waste. A fairly large corner wardrobe will even allow you to go inside to choose clothes. Another option is open corner shelves or rods. And next to it is the perfect place for a large mirror.
Under the bed Why not!You can simply hide your shoes there on a pull-out platform - and this is just one of our . You can hide seasonal clothes under the bed in baskets and suitcases when you don't need them. Or you can go radical and build a bed on top of a wardrobe.
Floor Hangers Mobile Hanger Racksfloor transform your wardrobe into a branch of a fashion boutique. The lower part is suitable for storing shoes, the upper part - for hats and jewelry. But try not to overload the hanger - remember that clutter visually "eats up" space. If the rack is on wheels, you can easily change its location when rearranging.
Our opinion:— Do you know that you need to clean out your wardrobe, but you feel sorry to part with your things? Try the “hanger strategy” — turn all the hangers with the hook facing you and turn them back when you take out and put on an item. Check in a few months how many hangers are turned, and you will understand what percentage of your outfits you actually wear, and what can be painlessly donated to charity. In the hallway No space in the bedroom? Another convenient place is the hallway. Its advantage is that you can find everything you need just before going out, without disturbing sleeping household members. But since outerwear is usually also stored in the hallway, you will need a lot of space. A large and narrow wardrobe will do, which will fit regular clothes, shoes, jackets, and coats. Provide hooks for bags, umbrellas, shelves for hats and scarves. It would also be good to provide a place where you can sit down to put on shoes, and others.
In the attic At the dacha or in a country house youYou can arrange a wardrobe in the attic or loft. Shelves and hangers can be placed along both a higher and a lower wall. Low racks and pull-out shelves will fit under a slanted wall. Shoes and bags will fit comfortably in the back of the wardrobe.
Homemade Systems Handmade fromA wardrobe made of wood or metal will give your apartment a loft look. Use pipes or wooden pallets. A thick branch suspended from the ceiling as a hanger rod will turn your wardrobe into an exhibition of modern art. But remember that loft aesthetics do not tolerate disorder and clutter - take care of strong fastenings.
Organization Wherever your location is locatedwardrobe, in the attic or in the bedroom, and no matter how it looks, like a sliding wardrobe or like a branch hanging from the ceiling - auxiliary systems for organizing clothes will help you easily find the things you need. Sort your clothes by color and you will see the predominant shades. Perhaps this will prompt you to get rid of colors that do not suit you, or perhaps convince you to buy new clothes in all the colors of the rainbow. Special dividers with separate cells will help maintain order in drawers for underwear and socks. You can make such an organizer yourself from scraps of plastic pipes. For other tips on maintaining order in the closet, see
Our opinion:— Hangers will not only help you save space in your closet, but also extend the life of your favorite outfits. Use wooden hangers to keep your jackets and blazers in shape. Use plastic hangers to store blouses and shirts, and choose soft hangers covered with fabric for delicate dresses. Wire hangers take up the least amount of space, but they bend and deform easily, which is bad for the appearance of your clothes. pinterest.com, nashhomer.com
The equipment of a small dressing room: how to organize the storage of clothes