Have you already managed to stand in line for Serov?Are you ready for new cultural achievements? After all, very soon there will be a new queue at the Tretyakov Gallery... In the meantime, we invite you to take a look at the works of Vasily Kandinsky in ten different interior styles. Just recently, we told you about the " , which has already become a real event of the coming year. Today, we decided to please the eyes of our readers with a new creative selection featuring paintings by Vasily Kandinsky (after all, the Tretyakov Gallery will now have a queue for his works). In the meantime, while the employees of one of the most popular galleries in Moscow are strengthening the doors, we invite you to enjoy the joint work of the master of abstract art and our graphic designer. Enjoy it!"Painting is a thundering collisiondifferent worlds, called upon to create a new world among themselves, which is called a work of art." V. V. Kandinsky, Russian "father" of world abstractionism Sketch for "Composition II" in the avant-garde style
"Composition IX" in African interior style
"Meeting of surfaces" in the loft
"The First Abstract Watercolor" in Kitsch Style
"Cross Line" in Minimalism Style
"Houses in Murnau on Obermarkt" in Neo-Baroque
"Several Circles" in Neoclassicism
"Composition VIII" in Scandinavian style
"Blue Sky" in Mediterranean style
"Little joys" in eclecticism
Kandinsky: 10 incredible interiors with works of genius – etk-fashion.com