When trying to place a TV in the interioreveryone faces this problem: how to prevent it from taking the main place in the room. And it just wants to. What to do about it and should you try to hide a pig in a poke - in our article If TVs had appeared in the interior more than 2000 years ago, they would certainly have come up with some right place in the house. But since the archetype of home furnishings was formed long before the first blue screen appeared, we are dealing with what we have: this magic box just wants to take the main place in the room, no matter where you put it. And here the entire furniture industry is working for the benefit of creating furniture in which you can hide a TV. Cabinets are created especially for it, clever mechanisms are invented to help hide the TV in a console. And even a mirror TV has already been invented. However, ordinary people are no slouches either. Look at what excellent ways they have come up with to reconcile the TV with the interior!
Curtains and shutters
If these structures don't bother you too muchwith their somewhat fake appearance, they are an ideal option for having the opportunity to sometimes not notice the presence of a TV in the interior at all. By the way, if you hide it from children, then indeed, you can also hang a lock on the doors.
Make your TV part of your overall wall decor
Of course, this is not an easy task.However, who said it would be easy? When you lifted your multi-inch one, did it seem light to you? Well, placing it will be just as difficult. It is almost like a chest of drawers. Only thinner. So, we place your plasma right on the chest of drawers. And around it on the wall we hang pictures and photos. It is better - all in different frames. So that the black or gray frame of the screen does not catch the eye too much.
Create competition for him
Oddly enough, there is competition for televisioncan be created by simply placing it on an open shelf. It is desirable that the shelves be filled with various baskets, boxes, books and magazines. Among such a variety, the plasma panel will not stand out much. Don't believe me - try it!
Take it to the point of absurdity
Use a theatrical device:Take the situation to the point of absurdity by installing a modern plasma panel on a beautiful chest of drawers in classical and neoclassical styles. It is better if the chest of drawers is brightly colored. Surprisingly, the TV will no longer be the main character against its background. All attention will be given to the chest of drawers.