Today there are a huge number of modelsdining tables – different shapes, sizes and materials. Which table to choose, read in this article What is the most important thing in any home? Of course, the dining table! It unites the family, it is convenient to have breakfast and exchange news, receive guests and celebrate holidays.
Size matters
The size of the table depends on whatпомещении он стоит и сколько людей хозяева планируют за ним размещать. Оптимальные размеры столешницы – около метра. Если стол больше, его удобнее сервировать, особенно на большую компанию, но семья из 2-3 человек будет чувствовать себя за ним разобщенно. Столешница же меньшего размера предполагает минимум посуды и едоков. Одним словом, ваш стол должен отвечать вашему образу жизни и особенностям приема гостей. Хорошим выходом для большой компании на относительно маленькой площади будет стол-трансформер. В сложенном виде за ним могут прекрасно пообедать 2-3 человека, а в разложенном он может вместить до 10-12 человек. Если вы склонны к педантичным решениям, учтите: для комфортного размещения за столом ширина одного места должна быть не менее 60 см. Ваш стол не прямоугольный, а круглый?No need for complicated calculations! Just seat your family so that they feel comfortable at this table, and figure out how many more people will feel good in the remaining space. Remember: your guests should not touch each other with their elbows while eating!
Do you want a circle or an oval?
Once you have decided on the dimensions of the table, you need tochoose its shape. It can be a square, rectangle, oval or circle. Square tables are best placed in the center of the room or near a wall. Round and oval tables are problematic to place near a wall. And if they are too big, it will be more difficult for guests to reach all the dishes. But these tables are more convenient to use: it is easier to maneuver around them. And more people can fit at a round table than at a square one of exactly the same size.Tables of "irregular" shape - triangular,Streamlined, trapezoidal and others – are perfect for lovers of eclecticism. It doesn’t matter how many guests you will be hosting: the unusual style will compensate for any possible inconveniences. And one more nuance: choose a table made of materials that match the design and decoration of the room in which it will be located permanently. Don’t forget about the style. If the kitchen or dining room is decorated in a classic style, a table made of wood or a good imitation of it is preferable. An antique table with carved legs and made of noble wood species is possible. A glass table will look good in a modern interior, and it will “dissolve” in the room and will not look bulky.;;;