Each of us has a lot of things in our apartmentitems, the purpose of which is to ensure a comfortable existence. If your home is not very large, then the question quickly arises of how to place all this wealth, and at the same time not make your place of residence look like a warehouse or a storeroom.
First, make it a rule to not regret,get rid of things that you never use. This way, you will get rid of a huge amount of various junk and free up space for more convenient placement of really important things. Secondly, you should not buy bulky furniture, it is best to use relatively light ones.
A good solution would be to use shelves on which you can easily place everything you want, which, by the way, will be very easy to find if necessary.
Another great way to decorate is with , as well as from identical open podiums.
When buying a sofa, it is worth giving preference to models that have a built-in linen drawer, because this will help you use the space with maximum efficiency.
The same can be said about the bed, it is best to buy a modern model with drawers, in which you can put not only linen, but also much more.
Arrangement of storage systems in small apartments