This material, which is a varietyartificial stone, has been known for quite a long time, but it has found wide application only in our days. Therefore, we decided to understand the properties and collect interesting options for its use in the interior. Artificial acrylic stone is also called Corian, and it appeared exactly 50 years ago, almost immediately becoming a sensation in the world of design. They talk about it a lot, especially now, and that is why many small factories and workshops have appeared, offering everyone services for the manufacture of kitchen countertops, window sills or bathrooms from acrylic stone.
At one time, Corian revolutionized the world.finishing materials, because no other material allowed us to create items of a purely individual nature or seamless structures of any length, shape and color so quickly. To understand the possibilities of acrylic stone, we turned to Petr Petrov, the owner of the Karat manufacturing factory. For 10 years now, the company has been revealing the unique properties of this material and never ceases to be amazed by its limitless possibilities, discovering something new every day.
The use of acrylic stone in the creation of an object is determined by its six properties:
- seamlessness;
- thermoforming;
- protection from moisture and chemical resistance;
- maintainability;
- ecological compatibility;
- color palette.
From these properties we can make another onepositive conclusion: items made from acrylic stone have no lifespan, are not afraid of moisture, are little susceptible to pollution, chemical influences, and in case of mechanical damage they are easy to restore.
They can be quickly installed in those rooms,where items made of other materials would not be carried, and they are able to withstand aggressive use, maintaining high hygienic characteristics in any conditions. You can put hot pots and pans on a Corian countertop. Acrylic stone is considered a rather expensive material, and therefore, when making the desired interior item, it is worth immediately deciding which of the parameters will be most important. If none, then it is worth considering other options.
For example, if you need a skirting board on the ceiling,which covers the corner joint between the ceiling and the wall, it is clear that the ideal option would be dumbbells. Of course, they can be made of Corian, but repairability, moisture resistance or protection from chemical influences are not so important here. Painting will easily hide seamlessness or an inappropriate color palette. A skirting board made of painted polyurethane will last a long time, and its quality, in fact, does not play a big role. But with skirting boards on the floor, the situation is somewhat different. Here, important parameters will be thermoforming, environmental friendliness and half of the properties from the list above. A Corian skirting board will not only look beautiful and repeat all the curves of the walls, but will also be able to maintain a respectable and enviable appearance for a very long time.
And you can also make things from acrylic stonekitchen countertops, bathroom and toilet elements, window sills in any room or large-sized furniture, fireplaces and entire art objects. Large companies opt for Corian if they want to get an aesthetic reception desk that would attract the attention of potential customers. There are many variations - from point accents to full-fledged interior solutions in any style. Photos taken from Karat - a Russian manufacturer of exclusive materials from acrylic stone.