Do you think photo wallpaper is a thing of the past?You are wrong! They are back in fashion! What prospects do photo wallpapers open for your interior? Find out from our article Remember the banal photographic images of waterfalls and birch groves that were a popular domestic interior design trend in the late 80s and early 90s? You must admit, it is surprising that five or six widely distributed pictures, presented in the form of low-quality wallpaper, were able to win the hearts of consumers so much and become almost the main decorative decoration of millions of houses and apartments. There was something about them! Memories of that unprecedented commercial success of the first domestic photo wallpapers still haunt modern manufacturers. And that is why a new product is gaining popularity on the market today, which is a combination of a successful idea of decorating walls with large-scale photographs and new wallpaper production technologies. Modern photo wallpapers, unlike their awkward prototypes, are characterized by high quality, endless variations on the theme of design and great decorative potential. And today we will tell you about six ways to transform your interior with the help of photo wallpaper.
Changing the perception of space
Photo wallpapers are simply irreplaceable for visualcorrection of the geometry of a small room. Images with perspective can visually extend the space, thereby making the room seem larger, and even much larger. No other finishing materials can repeat this spectacular trick. Photo wallpaper also works great in narrow, elongated rooms. A bright large-scale image on the far wall will make it "move" and make the room space more comfortable.
Zoning of space
Zoning of space is veryrelevant for small apartments, where one room is forced to combine the functions of a living room, dining room, study, library, and sometimes a bedroom. And again, photo wallpaper comes to the rescue. They can not only decorate the room, but also divide it into zones, each of which will have an atmosphere corresponding to their purpose.
Interior styling
Photo wallpaper helps to emphasize the style of the interiorrooms, make it brighter, more recognizable. Agree, nothing will decorate a room in the Provence style as much as the views of that very Provence, flaunting on the wall. Do you prefer the American style? Photo wallpapers with images of Wall Street or Fifth Avenue will help create a dynamic atmosphere of New York in the room. And for lovers of such an original style as pop art, photo wallpapers are generally irreplaceable. Our opinion: - It should be remembered that the pattern on the photo wallpaper does not necessarily have to be photographic images of real objects. Any picture applied to the base by means of photo printing is called photo wallpaper.
Imitation of textures
Thanks to the high image quality,obtained as a result of photo printing, photo wallpapers can imitate various materials and textures, such as wood, brick, concrete or metal. With their help, you can do the impossible - keep up with the rapidly changing interior fashion. Now, in order for your room to have a stylish brick surface, which is a popular modern trend, it is not necessary to chisel the wall - just re-glue the wallpaper. And if the brick suddenly goes out of fashion, you can quickly, easily and without unnecessary costs make adjustments to the design. Our opinion: - Many modern designers have appreciated the unique imitation properties of photo wallpapers. For example, Norwegian designer Tom Haga created a whole collection of "concrete" wallpapers called Concrete Wall. The models of the collection depict fragments of bare concrete walls that were photographed in different parts of Norway.
At home we take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city anddaily stress, so the design of the rooms should in every way contribute to the creation of a harmonious and relaxing atmosphere. Photo wallpaper will help to give the interior the appropriate mood. Beautiful landscapes, flowers, paintings by favorite artists - these images have a beneficial effect on the subconscious, give a feeling of calm and well-being.
Giving the interior a personal touch
To make the interior of the room moreindividual, it is customary to use personal items as decoration, such as photographs. Why make holes in the walls or clutter up the coffee table if you can order photo wallpaper with a unique image consisting of your photos? You can decorate the wall with a huge family portrait or opt for an original collage of photographs. In any case, such a decorative solution will make the interior of the room unique.