Design and Decor

Bathroom for relaxation, reading and dancing: made in Russia -


Why do we need a bathroom? What does it have and what can it do? An unusual look at the functions of an ordinary room led to the creation of a completely unexpected space. And we have a unique opportunity to evaluate it to the viewers of the "Dacha Response", within which the project Meditation, Reading or the Chess Party is being prepared - what do you prefer? Bathroom as a full recreation area, able to turn into a spa, and in the dance floor. A non-standard approach requires fresh solutions. And in this interior they are enough. If you think about it, we do not know the situationBy hearsay. What Soviet intellectual did not happen to sit in the bathroom for Dovlatov? In the old days, the negatives showed up in the bathrooms, photographs were printed, important speeches and cheat sheets were prepared for the session, books and theses were written ... Sanitary facilities were then called "thought rooms" - in "Khrushchev" and "Brezhnevka" there was nowhere to retire from noisy household members. The roots of the current need forFriend. In an overloaded information dynamic environment, it is more the desire to improve the ecology of life, the search for comfort with a minimum of costs. There is a free minute here and now - why not use it for yourself and your family? There would be an opportunity. Architectural studio Ruetemple:- The main idea of ​​the project is an attempt to consider the bathroom not only as a room for everyday routine procedures, but also as a full-fledged multifunctional space for rest, communication, privacy, relaxation, spending time with children, etc. Alexander Kudimov and Daria Bukhtueva, architectural studio Ruetemple Graduates of the Moscow Architectural Institute (2007), during and after their studies, worked in several architectural workshops of the capital, until they founded their own in 2008. The list of completed projects Ruetemple was still quite small when this name first sounded loudly throughout the country in the literal sense of the word - from the blue screen. Alexander and Daria created an original transforming cube for the Dachny Answer program on NTV. The designer, capable of transforming, if necessary and at the request of its owners, into a bedroom, living room, study or recreation area, has collected many Russian and foreign awards. Unexpected and innovative approaches, the search for the most ergonomic solutions and attention to the needs of the customer distinguished all subsequent projects of the studio. The area of ​​interest is the space that surrounds a person, be it an interior or an urban environment. “We strive for organicity and simplicity and, solving this or that problem, we try to get away from stereotypes and look for fresh transparent solutions”. The unconventionality of the situation lies in the very essenceProject. "Dachniy Response", like most of these programs, builds its work on the relative ignorance of the customer. He goes on stage at the very end of the story to thankfully admire or ... on the contrary. All costs are borne by the channel, all responsibility is the architect. Plus: the customer does not affect the work of the architect and, giving him the keys, he leaves to live in another place. Minus: the final is removed without duplicates, and the emotions captured by the camera are genuine. Architectural studio Ruetemple:- The bathroom is located in the penthouse of a wooden house, on the second floor. The owners are a young couple with children. They had only one wish - to fit everything that they needed, so that it was convenient: two sinks, a bathtub with hydromassage, a shower, a washing machine with a dryer. The rest is at our discretion. Bathroom flooring was originally prettyThe problem of placing elements was not acute. But the architects had little to just put everything they needed - I wanted to find each place my place. Recovering from the bedroom niche, they "grew" to the bathroom a meter and a half and received a total area of ​​13 square meters. And then experiments began. Architectural studio Ruetemple:- We came up with the idea of ​​raising the floor in the entire room by 50 cm and deepening the bathtub there. Thus, we have ensured that the room has become spacious and free, containing everything you need. Multifunctionality is achieved due to the flexible operation of the podium and the openable bathroom lids. By folding them in different ways, you can get different combinations for relaxation, rest or leisure. A tree reigned around. Architects admit that they do not see in it any drawbacks - some virtues. And the truth is, the tree in wet zones is a surprisingly pleasant and comfortable material, but very cranky. Unlike traditional tiles and stones, it undergoes corrosion, requires painstaking work and special protection. But you can not think of anything better for relaxation and rest. Geometrical drawing of a floor, walls and a ceiling sets a rhythm. Architectural studio Ruetemple:- The striped lattice structure is a removable pallet system on the floor above the bathtub and slats on the ceiling and on the wall. Initially, we painted them only on the wall: they were required technologically, they covered the washing machines. Blind doors could not be used - the equipment needed ventilation. The effect was interesting and we moved it to the ceiling. This solved the problem of lighting - an LED strip was well inserted between the strips, and we could not use large lamps - the height of the ceiling after raising the floor did not allow this. Supports the floor reiki theme. Light - Led, tape in the profile - underlinesGraphic interior and well illuminates the room. Rack systems, removable pallets above the bathroom, built-in closet - all elements were designed specifically for this room. Of the purchased things - in fact only plumbing. Ruetemple works this way almost always. Architects, obsessed with the idea of ​​multifunctionality without loss of comfort, rarely use ready-made furniture and do without most traditional decor items. And yet this project was the most difficult. Architectural studio Ruetemple:- We have never met bathrooms hidden in the podium. Yes, so that you can walk on top of the opening doors. The idea was completely new, it had to be developed from scratch, so a lot of effort was expended. By and large, almost every element of this room, invented separately and individually, was complex. Photos in some places are reminiscent of the functionalJapanese minimalism: closed furniture, a minimum of objects, clear clear lines and forms, natural materials and rhythmic wooden graphics as an inexhaustible object for meditation. In practice, such a space can be filled with anything - stylistics of the room, whatever it is conceived, in the end always becomes a reflection of the owners' personality. Will they appreciate the efforts of architects, we do not know. But one thing is clear now: the owners of the penthouse will get one of the most unusual bathrooms, designed recently.

