The interior of a small bedroom

Bed for small apartment. A photo


Successful creator of extraordinary projects, FunnRoberts, designed the elegant for the actor Vincent Kartheiser. When dealing with small spaces, you always face the same dilemma - how to arrange furniture so that it does not take up a lot of space? The sea of ​​admiration was caused by how the wonderful idea of ​​the interior for a small room was implemented, which helped, firstly, to free up living space, and secondly, to replace the banal folding sofa with a comfortable bed. Unfortunately, the technical embodiment of the originalproject by photos can not be determined. But, judging by the pictures, the whole structure pulls up to the ceiling on strong metal cables. At the same time the wooden back remains in place and serves as a peculiar decoration of the interior. It is possible that the idea of ​​the author suggested the profession of the customer. The red curtain that fences off an improvised bedroom resembles a theatrical stage, where decor and interior items fall and rise during the performance on invisible to the viewer mounts. Looking at this design, it is safe to say that the apartment belongs to a creative person. Take note of this invention. It is possible that now you will use it to free up a part of the space in the house, having found another, more productive use for it.

