Organization of space

Neon bedroom of the future, in which there is no bed

Strange layout, neon lighting,orange staircase and not a single closet. Sounds weird? In reality, this is a very beautiful, functional and, without a doubt, spectacular bedroom of very modern people. Every year, the younger generation craves more and more powerful emotions. We move to Gothic basements and attics with sloping ceilings. We seek ourselves in ascetic studios and extremely complex spaces with a huge number of corners and a psychedelic palette. Our today's heroes are not far from this new trend. White and orange bedroom (yes, that's itThe bedroom of a young couple from Budapest can hardly be called standard, especially considering the fact that in addition to this space, the apartment has several more rooms. However, this is exactly what the owners of the “house within a house” wanted – a personal space in which they could comfortably stay not only at night, but also all day long. And as it often happens, the couple wanted “something special”. In this case, “special” meant the loft style in a modern minimalist version. The customers turned out to be quite nice peopleactive, so it was decided to take as the center of the composition not the bed as the center of peace and relaxation, but the communication area - the living room, which can easily be transformed into a work space. Although it is only the functional center of the composition,The semantic focus here belongs entirely to the staircase. It is obvious that this is not just a structure, but a sculptural object that has all the qualities of a contemporary art piece. Look at the clarity, harmony and solidity of the forms, the active orange hue and the dynamic element - the neon lighting. In addition to the impressive visual effect, the staircase also has a huge functional advantage - it hides a fairly extensive storage system. Well, the actual sleeping area is hidden awaythe highest point of the interior - above the door. This was also an urgent requirement of the customers, sleep in the 21st century is just a time-consuming annoying appendage of life. This is probably why bedrooms in modern interiors are given less and less attention and space. The owners of this apartment found that a simple bed was enough.

