Since June 2014, journalists and editors of wrote for you about all the most interesting things. And, of course, sometimes we made mistakes in a hurry, which we managed to catch before publication. Today we will publish the funniest of the unpublished Yes, a journalist is also a person and can sometimes blurt out something without thinking. And even write. And even read it later and not notice. Because the editorial office works almost around the clock, so that you would be interested in reading us and so that all the news is published earlier than on other portals. And now, during the holidays, we just have time to take a short break. And we decided to please ourselves and you with a hit parade of our own bloopers and pearls. For several months, they were cut out of articles and collected for you by our literary editor Maria Pryanishnikova and our editor-in-chief Oksana Kashenko. The interior radiates a joyful mood, anticipation of the holiday. This is noticeable already from the hallway, where there is a basket with different bottles.
Even if you personally do not have a four-headed pet, you can make an original gift to someone you know who is the owner of a large breed dog.
How do you like this bright hat with a pom-pom?You probably don't like, for example, a vintage chandelier because it reminds you of a difficult relationship with your mother-in-law. He is interested in the culture of the Far East, spends his free time in the mountains, snowboarding, so the cold is not scary for him - he is used to getting the upper hand from winter. To be honest, today this cup has the highest IQ level among other dishes. Do not worry if the designer asks detailed questions about your profession and hobbies. Are you active or passive. The playroom is located in the hallway. This is a very intimate place, where only you and your closest family members have access. And if there are two windows and they are located close to each other - combine them. After all these machinations, you will have a spacious home office for several people at once. At the entrance to the apartment in the hallway area there is a sign: "Green monsters". Yes, it is clear that this is their territory! This inscription is suitable for both the interior of a child and adults. Anything that can be moved and transported is called movable property. We all know how many things children have and how quickly they multiply. Each such set is unique in form, like any housewife in her kitchen.