Styling is not a difficult task.Of modern materials, this is the cheapest, so it is especially popular. Laying linoleum is within the power of any person who has ever done repairs. There are many types and kinds of linoleum on the construction market, and choosing the right one is very difficult, but quite possible. If it is difficult to do it yourself, you can consult with specialists who will help you make the right choice.Linoleum laying scheme.How to lay linoleum? What do you need to know to do the job correctly? What tools do you need for the job? Below are some recommendations, a description of the technological process of laying linoleum with your own hands and a list of materials and tools needed for the job.
How to choose the right linoleum?
Types of linoleum by composition.Before going to the construction market to choose linoleum, you need to take measurements in the room where you plan to lay it. Measure its length and width. To reduce the number of seams when laying linoleum with your own hands, you need to decide on the width of its sheets. If the room is large and cannot be covered in one go, then when calculating the required number of meters of material, you need to leave allowances. This is done to correctly install the pattern (if there is one on the surface of the linoleum). To take into account the possible unevenness of the walls of the room, you need to add another centimeter on each side. To make your work easier, it is best to draw a plan of the room and do the calculations that way. When buying, you need to pay attention to the markings, since there are many types of linoleum for coverings with different intensities of their use. Therefore, it is best to first consult a specialist and make a choice that way. After the material is purchased, you need to bring it into the room where it will be laid. There, the linoleum is left for 2-3 days so that it takes on the temperature of the room. During this time, it is necessary to prepare the base of the floor, which can be wooden or concrete. It must be carefully leveled.
Structure of linoleum.If it is concrete, then all cracks and depressions must be filled and protruding elements must be cut off. After that, the surface is ground. If areas are found where the concrete is damaged, they must be repaired. If the area of damage is large, the screed will have to be redone. To get an ideal, smooth surface of the concrete base, it is recommended to put a thin layer of a mixture on top that levels itself. Such material is sold in construction markets. If the base is wooden, then plywood sheets are used to level it. The thickness of the sheets should be more than 5 mm. The seams between them are filled. When strengthening plywood panels, the heads of the fastening screws must be sunk into the material. If the old covering is linoleum, then remove it. Return to contents</a>
The process of laying linoleum
Linoleum laying scheme.The material is spread out over the entire room and carefully examined. Defective sheets will have to be replaced. The linoleum is left in the room for 2-3 days and people walk on it all this time, this is necessary for the sheets of material to be completely leveled so that they take the shape of the base. After this, you can start laying the linoleum. To do this, you need to cut the sheets. In this case, you need to take into account the directions of the patterns and their alignment on adjacent sheets of material. The cut linoleum is laid on the floor and left for 2-3 days. People walk on it again, which makes it possible to completely eliminate all folds and dents. The temperature in the room should not fall below 17 degrees Celsius. If the room is residential, then the linoleum is glued. Before this, a primer must be applied to the base. After it dries, glue is applied to the surface with a notched trowel. It takes some time for it to be absorbed, which is indicated on the packaging. After this, the linoleum sheets are laid and carefully smoothed to the base with a special tool - a trowel. This operation allows you to expel air from under the material. You can also use double-sided tape to glue the linoleum; this is a more labor-intensive method that requires accuracy, since folds may form during the work. The material is glued with tape along the perimeter of the room, and then attached to the base in its central part. After finishing the work, the correctness of the patterns at the joints is checked again and if everything is in order, then you will need to wait 24 hours until the adhesive composition has completely set with the material and then begin using the new coating. If the integrity of the pattern is damaged in some area, then until the glue has set, you can correct it. Return to the table of contents</a>
Necessary tools and materials
It is quite possible to glue linoleum on your ownforces, if you strictly follow all the recommendations and advice given above. In order for the coating to be durable and last a long time, do not deviate from the above technology for producing the sticker and try to skip any stages. This can lead to unexpected expenses.