О такой даче, наверное, можно только мечтать.Here all the girls' dreams of luxury, romance, a touch of antiquity and, of course, French charm came true. But dreams do have a way of coming true... Well, let's dream! What girl hasn't dreamed of being a princess and standing at the top of a tower, waiting for her prince? A century ago, a very romantic story happened in this house, furnished with French chic. In the city of Tenterden, located in the southeast of England, there is one remarkable house with a tower - The Tower House. There is information that this house was built in 1904 for a lady who was very homesick for France. Wanting to console his beloved, the owner of the house built a high tower so that, having climbed to the very top on a clear day, she could see the outlines of her favorite coast. There is a fair amount of fiction in this story, but this did not stop the current owners of the house - Pippa Carter and her husband Mike. They didn't radically remodel the house and kept its French charm. Let's see what ideas Pippa and Mike used and what of them you can implement in your home.
First of all, let's go to the kitchen.With these massive wooden beams it is clear that this part of the house is much older than the main 18th century façade. This room has become the real centre of the house for Pippa and Mike.Even though this is a work area, there isThere was room for an antique chest of drawers and painted wooden cabinets. The dishes are stored on long shelves along the walls - so everything you need is immediately visible. Note how the shelves are decorated with embroidered edging with French patterns.
In the corner there is an antique dining set and an antique chandelier.
Living room
Guests are immediately enveloped in a sense of subdued luxury, created through carefully selected pieces and expensive materials.The walls of the room are painted mocha.The pleasant to the touch textiles are designed in a single color scheme. A special footstool complements the antique armchair - ideal for long conversations by the fireplace. The natural light passing through the bay windows only emphasizes this beauty. From here, an amazing view of the garden opens up. And at night, the room is illuminated by an antique chandelier and several exquisite candelabra.
The next room houses a homelibrary. A wicker basket, a vintage floor lamp, a few framed portraits and a scarf casually left on the arm of the sofa - all these small details serve one purpose.
Dining room
The pride of this house isdining room. The dresser in the corner — an antique china cabinet — displays the family collection: porcelain soup tureens, serving plates and cups. Our opinion: — Some of this was left over from previous generations, and some was bought in modern showrooms. It wouldn’t hurt to visit flea markets — with a little luck, you can find real treasures there. This forged chandelier with pendants is like something out of a fairy tale. And starched linen napkins and a small bouquet in a teapot will add sophistication to your morning meal.
Let's take a look at a completely charming guest room for a girl, done in delicate white and blue tones. Wallpaper with an old pattern gives a special romanticism to this interior.A wrought-iron bed, covered with a silk bedspread, is combined with an 18th-century sofa. The white furniture is set off by silk curtains the color of coffee with milk.
In the tower we talked about at the beginningarticles, now also houses a bedroom, paneled in wood. The space behind the wrought-iron bed is covered with floral wallpaper. Nearby is a carved bedside table and a floor lamp for reading.
Let's note a few interesting details in the hall on the second floor. A wooden rack is loaded with stacks of fresh bed linen - so that guests in this house always feel comfortable.A pair of French blinds, a mannequin dressed in an extravagant hat and pearls, a cage with thin rods - these elements add charm to the hall.
We find a green greenhouse in which ferns and grapes grow.And a little further away there is a gazebo where the whole family gathers for tea.
At the beginning of the 20th century, a husband built a tall house for his wifetower to ease the sadness in her heart. Today, in the 21st century, Pippa and Mike have managed to preserve the charm of the house even after a thorough renovation. Our opinion: - In a French interior, you can combine different styles and eras. And materials such as porcelain, wood, various metals, crystal and silk will add sophistication to the room. Your ability to improvise and successfully combine things plays a big role in creating a harmonious interior. This is necessary if you want to make your dream come true. wealdentimes.co.uk