
Children's for the schoolboy: 20 ideas for placing the work area


Creating space at the same time cozy andFunctional thing is not easy, but when it comes to the child's schoolchild, the number of difficulties grows with every second. Our selection is unlikely to solve all the problems at once, but it surely will lead you to several of your own ideas

Equip a room for a schoolboy in much the same wayIt is difficult how to design a study for a design engineer. It is necessary to provide for a huge number of conditions, details and nuances. Starting with the fact that in the first place it's still a child, and ending with the fact that the owner of the room will grow very quickly and change.

The workplace should be separated from the sleeping place,While the zone for performing school assignments needs to be equipped in such a way that the student can sit comfortably, the storage systems are in direct access, and the surrounding atmosphere stimulates the flight of thought and at the same time fosters concentration. Separation of the sleeping and working areas is necessary for better concentration during classes and easy falling asleep in the evening.

